What The Thunder Said, Vol 4 | Page 20

To the Kid on Social Media

Kristen Kibby

I left angry

It was an ordinary Monday, nothing was special.

I found the threat,

It was near me.

I had yelled too early

I missed my mom.

Frozen with anxiety, I stayed

I observed what was happening around me.

I watched teachers lock classroom doors

I shouldn’t have to.

I watched the police walk around on campus

I shouldn’t have to.

I ate lunch in a classroom, scared of anywhere else

I shouldn’t have to.

I texted my friends telling them I loved them

I shouldn’t have to.

I called my mom, yearning to hear her voice one last time, apologizing for yelling, I told her I

loved her, my last words to her should be of love not of anger.

It shouldn’t have to be this way.