What makes content the king? What makes content the king! | Page 18
18 Any particular information that
you’d like to highlight or place
specifically? (This will also
dictate the value perception and
19 What is your intended brand
perception and image? (So we
know what impact you’re looking
to create in the long term)
20 Please share links to your social
media channels, blogs, website
or any other platform where you
connect with your consumers.
(We’d like to gauge consumer
reaction to your products,
understand pain points, and
deliver them content that solves
their issues first hand)
21 Is there any specific industry
jargon that you’d like us to know
about? (So that it doesn’t sound
22 Who are your competitors
and what makes you different?
(Highlighting your USP works
23 Please share any marketing,
branding or press documents, for
instance, a presentation deck,
links, documents, press release,
publications? (We need to
internalize your vision and identity)
24 Share a benchmark piece that
you’d like us to start with for the
content piece - that could be
something you’ve published,
a reference, a competitor’s
publication or a paper by an
independent organization. (Set the
bar of your expectations)
25 Share a detailed content
marketing strategy and what your
uncompromised expectations
are. (The prominent standards for
representation of your brand)
26 What is your target demographic?
(Feel free to illustrate a day in
their lives, the people they meet,
the city, country, district they are
from, what language/dialect they
speak, or anything else that pops
in your head)