What makes a great principal? 1 | Page 7

their families .
Principal Parrott at Miraloma holds a monthly parent-principal chat , an informal time when parents can come to ask questions and give input . She also schedules meetings and events at times when parents are already at the school picking up their children , for example , when the after-school program closes for the day .
Questions to ask at your school
1 . Ask your child : Do you feel safe at school ?
2 . Ask your child : Do you think school rules and consequences are clear ? Are all kids treated fairly ?
3 . Ask your principal : How can I get involved at the school ?
A great school community is one where students feel safe and know they will be treated fairly . It is the principal ’ s job to create that safe atmosphere where children can learn . The first year she was at Balboa High School , Principal Gray was concerned about a gang presence at the school . Although it meant she had to work many evenings and weekends , she met personally with the parents of every single student who got in trouble that year . Principal Gray believes her action sent a strong message about her commitment to creating a safe learning community at Balboa .
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