What is Plantar Fasciitis feb | Page 3

provide extra comfort, cushion the heel, and reduce the amount of shock and shear forces placed during everyday activities. Every time your foot strikes the ground, the plantar fascia is stretched. You can reduce the strain and stress on the plantar fascia by following these simple instructions: Avoid running on hard or uneven ground, lose any excess weight, and wear shoes and orthotics that support your arch to prevent over-stretching of the plantar fascia. If you want to learn professional exercises and how to completely eliminate plantar fasciitis, I recommend Fast Plantar Fasciitis Cure by Jeremy Roberts. It is the only guide on the market backed by over 23 medical studies and provides step-by-step instructions with pictures on how to preform novice, advanced, and professional PT exercises right in the comfort of your own home. Rest is the most important treatment, in conjunction with everything mentioned above, is rest. Follow the recommended treatment issued for your condition and rest in order for this to heal. If not addressed, plantar fasciitis can last not only months, but years. If you are a very active person, slow down on your activities that put the most pressure on this area. For example, if you love tennis or running long distance and you are crippled after doing these fun activities, you need to stop them temporarily until you resolve your plantar fasciitis. Instead, try doing activities that are not going to create so much stress on the affected area, such as swimming, biking, or hiking.