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Imagine you go to a big party where you barely know anybody, you start going around and around and you think "this is a great party, if only i had somebody to have fun" , suddenly you find someone with whom you have something in common . You start talking about life and sharing experiences, your interests, etc. you start enjoying the party, even though that is the only person that you know there, it gives you the courage of being yourself and act according your personal code or beliefs.

American society is just like this party where you find yourself comfortable speaking about what you like and how you like to speak. Language gives an identity and the courage you need to be yourself inside a huge country. It happened to me , when I was there, in Minnesota, i was really comfortable in that society, however when i found somebody who could speak my language i felt so happy just to relate with that person that even the most careless subject turns into an interesting topic to talk about in your own language. You feel identified with your language and your culture.

This is my language this is me

American Culture 07