WGSA MAG Issue 15 (July 2013) | Page 37

research project . The macro economic framework draws on an Australian research model . The first phase is conducted with University of KwaZulu-Natal graduate students ; the research will be continued next year by our Centre and our students . We are hoping that other South African universities will join the project also . Already , the National Film and TV Institute , Accra , Ghana , has expressed interest in conducting a similar project . The project is being conducted under the auspices of the SA Communication Association Film Working Group , and also the CILECT African Research Association . ( CILECT is the “ Centre International de Liaison des Ecoles de Cinéma et de Télévision ” based in Brussels ).
The issue of distribution has always been a very sensitive one in the history of South African cinema , during and after the apartheid era . What is today ’ s situation ?
ReaGilè is determined to fulfil the NFVF long held “ NFVF Vision 2025 ”. It is a national imperative : to create facilities so that ordinary South Africans can handle their own images , and then deepen democracy and create prosperity . ReaGilè is determined to make this a reality by 2013 due to dire need for job creation and the massive job creation potential of the ReaGilè Project .
In term of content , what kind of films the ReaGilè mini-cinema will be screening ?
Educational , local language feature and English feature films ( via Fireworks Media ). ReaGilè will work with all the major distributors and TV stations . They will also screen independent films . The demo complex in Gauteng is very impressive indeed , with state of the art digital projection , tiered seating , surround sound , and a top quality cinema environment built out of custom designed containers . It ’ s the real experience in every way . It is hoped that the project will start rolling out in Gauteng in December 2013 .
Could you tell us more about the social environment and places wherein ReaGilè initiative will be implemented ?
The cinema complexes ( that will include a refreshment kiosk , community policing and community care centres ) will be located on state-owned land , parks and schools , to serve disadvantaged black townships with catchments of 30 000 people . This means that the inhabitants of these under-developed and often underserviced areas will have within walking distances a safe , leisure and educational place to visit and experience .
How is this initiative regarded by South African institutions ( such as the National Film and Video Foundation ) and professional milieus ?

The NFVF was so impressed by the quality of the “ ReaGilè Experience ” that they engaged ReaGilè iHs Pty td to build a cinema / auditorium in their offices , as well as at the Ekayha Centre in Kwa-Mashu , in KwaZulu Natal . A letter of endorsement of the ReaGilè Project was signed by Minister Paul Mashatile and Johannesburg City . Universities and every other dignitary who has experienced the project have been amazed by the potential of this initiative . It promises to bring cinema to the people , at affordable price and in safe spaces . Once all 1 200 complex are established , it is estimated that R350 million annually will be returned to the industry via film distribution companies . The initiative will have special impact for local content producers making videos in local languages . Thus the complexes will service both high end and low budget films , both international and local .

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