WGSA MAG Issue 15 (July 2013) | Page 34

South Africa Searches for Its Groove in World Cinema


Steven Markovitz is a South African a feature and documentary producer , whose films have been co-produced with nearly a dozen countries around the world . His latest pic , “ African Metropolis ,” features seven short films from seven African directors , shot in seven African cities . Before the film premiered at the Durban Intl . Film Festival , Markovitz spoke with Variety about crucial next steps for the South African film industry .

What kinds of projects are getting the most interest in the South African market right now ?
There seems to be a lot of support for genre movies , but I think we need to find our own style and voice in cinema .
What sort of challenges do you see South African filmmakers facing ?
There is funding for low-budget South African films available . We still need to find our voice , our groove , as a filmmaking country , then international audiences will notice our work more readily . Distribution is still a big challenge . Most cinemas are still in former white areas . Until we have a broad spread of cinemas across the country , it will be difficult for filmmakers to find large audiences in South Africa .
In other markets , film is yielding to TV . Do you see that happening in South Africa ?
Not in South Africa . TV is not very well funded here and hence most TV products tend to be of lower quality and don ’ t travel very well . We need TV stations to start co-producing or financing feature films or TV movies like HBO and the U . K .’ s Channel 4 , and in Germany and France . We need television to come to the party .
Who ’ s your target audience ? When you make a documentary , are you thinking primarily about the local South African audience or the global one ?
I produce feature films and documentaries . We generally think of global audiences . If the film is well crafted , has a good narrative arc and is compelling , surprising , I think it has a fighting chance in the international market .
As VOD skyrockets , do you see moviegoing as an endangered species ?
Not in South Africa . VOD is still in its infancy here . Cinemas have not peaked here . We have a growing middle class , if there is investment in exhibition spaces in South Africa and the rest of the continent , I think there is good room for growth in cinema .
What ’ s the key element in funding a project ?
If you have a brilliant script or a great treatment for an engaging documentary with unique access , it becomes a lot easier to fund . No one has the answers of what will work or won ’ t work , you have to trust your instincts , have huge amounts of passion for your project and a thick skin . Eventually you will find the money .
So much of the global perception of South Africa has to do with race and politics . Do local audiences want those topics addressed , or do you believe they prefer escapism ?

I think audiences prefer entertainment or they prefer films that are artistically brilliant . We have a painful past that has to be dealt with but there are many avenues besides cinema to do this . We need to make compelling films that touch audiences emotionally , regardless of their subject matter .

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34 | WGSA MAG July 2013