WGSA MAG Issue 15 (July 2013) | Page 29

click to watch ‘ SHARKNADO ’ TRAILER

spins off tornadoes over the ocean . As anyone would expect , the tornadoes suck up thousands of sharks . This all just seems like common sense to me …
How are the sharks cognizant enough to keep biting people while they ’ re flying through the air ?
If you were a shark and you found yourself flying through the air , wouldn ’ t you keep biting ? I think you ’ d be pretty pissed about being plucked out of your nice familiar ocean where you ’ re king of the predators , and you ’ d probably take it out on whoever got in your way . Honestly , I don ’ t understand why people are so perplexed by this concept . The logic is undeniable .
How many sharks does an average sharknado contain ? How many sharks are ejected per 5-minute period ?
I can ’ t count that high .
of the film . What does it say about humans that when poor displaced sharks are ravaged by nature ’ s uncaring fury we try to kill them with chainsaws ? I think we need to take a good long look in the mirror over that one .
Would Man of Steel have been better if Pa Kent wasn ’ t killed by a tornado , but a Sharknado ?
That goes without saying . Now we don ’ t know much about dark matter . What if it ’ s really … Kryptonite ?! Well , then you ’ d have some serious Supermanmunching sharks flying around . Now we ’ re talking !
Has the shark disaster movie run its course , or are we just ramping up ?

It ’ s called Sharknado . I think the shark genre has reached its natural and logical conclusion . ( On the other hand , I heard a rumour that the Asylum is planning another sequel in its Megashark series . So you never know .

Aren ’ t the sharks at least as much victims of the sharknado as humans are ? Ah , well , now we ’ re into the larger philosophical issues

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