Welcome to the first Online Edition !
Welcome to the online edition of the WGSA MAG ! I ’ d like to start off by thanking our media and content providers , without whom we ’ d not be able to give you all the relevant news you need to know . Please take some time to have a look at their websites , blogs , newspapers and publications .
It ’ s been a rather busy month here at the WGSA MAG , trying to get our magazine in shape for its online release .
We ’ ve taken out the ‘ On The Box ’ column , replacing it with ‘ Made in SA ’. This is to give you , our loyal readership , a better overview of South �������� �������� ��� ���� ���������� �� ������������ ����� theatre and the internet . Another big change in the magazine is bulking up our ‘ Writing Tips ’ section , to give you more tips and tricks to improve your writing .
We are working tirelessly to bring you more exclusive content and hopefully a few issues from now the majority of our content will be original . If you ’ re interested in writing for the magazine , please contact me – editor @ writersguildsa . org
���� ���������� �������� ���� ���� ��� �������� ���� online back issues , you ’ ll be happy to know that ��� ����� ��� ���������� ���� ������� ������� ����� �� ��� ���� can catch up on all the local and international news and tips and writing tricks you may have missed .
June was a controversial month in South Africa , with the ailing former President ’ s granddaughters now having their own reality show , Roger Young ’ s now infamous article about the NFVF , the end of SAARF involvement with the National Association of Broadcasters and the Writers ’ Guild of South Africa ’ s own investigation into SABC residuals .
We welcome your comments on any topic in this publication , so seize the opportunity to make your voice heard on our Mailbox page .
���� ����� ��� ������ ���� ����� �� ����� �������� ����� a United States attorney – Chauncey Depew :
“ Follow the path of the unsafe , independent thinker . Expose your ideas to the dangers of controversy . Speak your mind and fear less the label of ‘ crackpot ’ than the stigma of conformity . And on issues that seem important to you , stand up and be counted at any cost .”
Unite to Write , yle
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