WFP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific - 2016 SPRs RBB 2016 SPRs by project type | Page 20

Standard Project Report 2016 Commodity Planned Distribution (mt) High Energy Biscuits Actual Distribution (mt) % Actual v. Planned 140 - - 1,440 388 26.9% 144 - - 72 - - 180 - - Subtotal 1,976 388 19.6% Total 34,842 9,572 27.5% Rice Split Lentils Vegetable Oil Wheat Soya Blend Cash Based Transfer and Commodity Voucher Distribution for the Project (USD) Modality Planned (USD) Actual (USD) % Actual v. Planned Comp.2-School Feeding Cash 650,195 228,862 35.2% 1,382,518 2,848,757 206.1% 3,475,200 3,599,779 103.6% 5,507,913 6,677,398 121.2% Comp.3-Enhancing Resilience to Disasters Cash Comp.4-Strengthening Government Safety N Cash Total Operational Partnerships WFP continued to co-lead the Food Security Cluster with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), helping stakeholders to coordinate and avoid duplication of humanitarian and development responses. WFP continued its functional partnership with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to integrate Improving Maternal and Child Nutrition (IMCN) interventions into the national nutrition services delivery system, though there were some debates over whether the treatment of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) was a priority under the community-based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM). WFP trained front-line heath and family planning workers on CMAM and related behaviour change communication (BCC), although the centralised nutrition community in Bangladesh has yet to agree on the most appropriate and sustainable approach to nutrition rehabilitation. Therefore, WFP has been gradually phasing out from direct implementation in the treatment of MAM, and will instead move towards partnerships to advocate on the importance of treating acute malnutrition and promoting nutrition-sensitive social protection in the national plan of action for nutrition with the identified agencies. In 2016, the IMCN programme was increasingly implemented by government staff in intervention areas as a result of WFP's capacity strengthening. Collaboration with national and international cooperating partners like Terre des Hommes, Society for Human and Environment Development (SHED), Social Assistance and Rehabilitation for the Physically Vulnerable (SARPV) and Action Contre la Faim (ACF) ensured comprehensive CMAM delivery, including severe acute malnutrition treatment, community outreach and BCC. The Nutrition Cluster, which WFP is a member of and which is led by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), coordinated nutrition responses for flood and cyclone emergencies and enhanced preparedness and response capacity. Bangladesh, People's Republic of (BD) 17 Country Programme - 200243