WFP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific - 2016 SPRs RBB 2016 SPRs by project type | Page 13

Standard Project Report 2016 effects of commodity losses. The new corporate supply chain management system, the Logistics Execution Support System (LESS), has greatly improved stock position tracking and minimised losses. No losses related to 'best before dates' were reported in LESS in 2016. For the electronic voucher (FoodCard), WFP contracted three local traders, selected through a competitive screening process which assessed their capacity to deliver the required volumes of quality food items. Successful candidates underwent orientation sessions to develop a common understanding of the programme and WFP's expectations for service delivery. WFP staff in Cox's Bazar held monthly meetings and follow-up training sessions with the traders, helping them become proficient in the electronic voucher redemption process. Sub-office staff also participated in meetings in Dhaka every three months to negotiate staple food prices based on market price monitoring, which have been stabilising according to trends. Annual Food Purchases for the Country (mt) Commodity Local High Energy Biscuits Regional/International Total 1,245 - 1,245 32 43 75 Rice - 1,690 1,690 Vegetable Oil - 55 55 Wheat Soya Blend - 1,471 1,471 Total 1,277 3,258 4,535 Percentage 28.2% 71.8% Lentils Implementation of Evaluation Recommendations and Lessons Learned An external decentralised evaluation of the country programme (CP) was undertaken in 2014 and 2015 and reported on in 2015. As the country office has started its shift from implementation to capacity support to the Government as reflected in the new Country Strategic Plan, some of the main recommendations for Enhancing Resilience (ER), Improving Maternal and Child Nutrition (IMCN) and urban engagement have become less relevant. Other recommendations remain pertinent and have been absorbed into the new focus and activities of the Country Strategic Plan, including the continuation of technical support and policy guidance to the Government in the institutionalisation of school feeding; the development of a clear strategy for supporting nutritional programme outcomes through a comprehensive multi-sectoral approach; and the need to develop WFP staff to better serve their new evolving roles. Insufficient resourcing was one programmatic risk for 2016, alleviated by mapping of the development partner landscape, engaging with non-traditional donors, and contracting skilled consultants to develop project proposals as required. Consultations have been held with the Government to identify gaps and WFP's areas of expertise for added value. The 2016 Joint Assessment Mission (JAM) provided recommendations for the PRRO, which will be integrated in the Country Strategic Plan as support to the refugee population continues. The JAM findings highlight the positive effects of the introduction of the FoodCard, while identifying several areas for attention including continued proposals and advocacy for a durable solution for refugees, identification of additional space and shelter, review of the nutrition interventions and behavioural change efforts due to persisting high levels of undernutrition, improvement of education quality and recognised certification to increase its usefulness beyond the camps, efforts to address the use of negative coping strategies and a move towards a targeted approach rather than blanket assistance. Bangladesh, People's Republic of (BD) 10 Country Programme - 200243