WFP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific - 2016 SPRs RBB 2016 SPRs by country | Page 11

Standard Project Report 2016
The corporate SCOPE platform ( WFP ' s digital platform for beneficiary and transfer management ) was launched through the EMOP in late 2016 but with a focus on registration only by the end of the year . Direct cash distributions were piloted in four locations of the country at the end of 2016 in order to plan for a scale-up in 2017 . WFP ' s strategic expansion of cash-based transfer modalities has been aligned with the Government ' s prioritisation of more market-based responses . As the Ministry of Labor , Social Affairs , Martyrs and Disabled , supported by the World Bank ' s Safety Net and Pensions Support Project ( piloting unconditional cash transfer interventions ), is starting to consider the development of social protection / safety nets programmes , WFP will support the strengthening of its capacities in this field with conceptual and technical support .
To improve targeting , the food security partners such as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO ), the Food Security and Agriculture Cluster , and the Ministry of Agriculture , Irrigation and Livestock have enhanced their engagement so as to improve the quality of data and assessments and have integrated their information systems to support decisions on targeting and response options , especially for medium-term and long-term food security interventions . This was achieved through applying extensive analysis using the latest multiple data sets and updated methodologies such as the Afghanistan Living Conditions Survey ( ALCS ), Integrated Context Analysis ( ICA ), Seasonal Food Security Assessment ( SFSA ), and the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification ( IPC ).
In the last quarter of the year , WFP piloted the use of remote data collection , through the mobile vulnerability analysis and mapping ( mVAM ) application , in order to monitor local food market conditions and conduct rapid assessments in eastern Afghanistan to gather information on the returnees and IDPs . It was also used for a rapid assessment of remote areas in the northern part of the country that were affected by conflict and winter weather ( snow ). The use of mVAM for monitoring activities will be expanded in 2017 .
With the support of key donors , WFP purchased locally fortified wheat flour from commercial millers who were supported through the Afghanistan P4P programme on national fortification . Millers are required to source 40-50 percent of their wheat from local smallholder farmers . These millers were already involved in the national fortification programme as part of WFP ' s support to Afghanistan ' s National Nutrition Strategy to fortify flour for sale on the public markets with an aim to reduce micronutrient deficiency . As part of this programme , 27 large-scale flour millers around the country received training and equipment for fortification . In addition , a WFP food technologist conducted training on food safety systems such as the Good Manufacturing Practice and the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point for millers enrolled in the programme . In order to increase awareness of the benefits of consuming fortified foods , the P4P unit supported the Ministry of Public Health to develop a communication and media campaign that was launched in the fourth quarter of 2016 in several provincial capitals . Additional support to the Ministry of Public Health was provided to establish national food safety standards and quality control protocols and to build their capacity for quality control and certification of locally produced foods . For instance , six food quality laboratory technicians were trained in basic food quality analysis and the necessary laboratory equipment were also provided . The Ministry is now capable of undertaking basic analysis for food quality and safety control , including micronutrient analysis ( vitamin A and iron content ), food composition analysis ( protein , fiber , fat moisture and ash content ) as well as some microbiology analysis .
The MAM treatment programme achieved its set targets with the exceptions of default rate and the reasons for this are explained under the section on results / outcomes . This achievement was made possible because the Public Nutrition Department of the Ministry of Public Health coordination structure included the Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition ( IMAM ) working group , which provides political and policy direction to ensure that the sector is working towards achieving the basic package of health services ( BPHS ). The Ministry of Public Health BPHS cooperating partners received the Public Nutrition Department endorsed training on the management of acute malnutrition and on food management and handling . The cooperating partners also received , and are using , the IMAM field guide which was prepared y the IMAM working group based on the national IMAM protocol . All IMAM , including MAM , monthly statistical information is stored in a database housed at the Public Nutrition Department .
Annual Country Beneficiaries
Beneficiaries Male Female Total
Children ( under 5 years ) 335,194 351,910 687,104
Children ( 5-18 years ) 553,130 667,660 1,220,790
Afghanistan , Islamic Republic of ( AF ) 8 Single Country PRRO - 200447