Westminster Consulting Brochure Endowment & Foundation | Page 8

LIST OF SERVICES GOVERNANCE DOCUMENTS DEVELOPMENT These are the essential road maps that help fiduciaries successfully manage their retirement plan. Westminster Consulting evaluates your Investment Policy Statement, Committee Charter, and Board Resolutions and offers advice on improving and clarifying your objectives. and conducts an analysis of fiduciary compliance for a plan sponsor— all with the goal of improving performance and minimizing expenses. This benchmarking process includes reviewing fees, investment performance, and also evaluating the plan participants’ satisfaction with vendor service levels. VENDOR SEARCH This is intended for plan sponsors that desire an impartial and objective analysis of their plan vendor, are dissatisfied with their current recordkeeper’s service, or have grown in asset size and may require different or additional services. The goal is to document fiduciary due diligence of the plan sponsor, improve all areas of plan performance, and minimize expense. Westminster Consulting provides a comprehensive evaluation of all functional areas of plan servicing, including: • Recordkeeping • Plan sponsor services • Trustee services • Conversion • Communication/participant education • Compliance services • Investment services FIDUCIARY REVIEW This comprehensive service benchmarks the plan against twenty-two best practices jointly developed by the DOL and Fi360™. The review evaluates how effectively the plan sponsor is operating their plan and informs the committee of shortfalls or omissions when compared with the benchmarks. FEE AND EXPENSE AUDIT Timely evaluation of plan fees and expenses is a part of a plan fiduciary’s responsibility. Westminster Consulting examines all asset-based fees, common cost drivers, and investment expenses. This evaluation of fees assists fiduciaries with their due diligence to determine if the fees are fair and reasonable and, therefore in compliance with the DOL’s Section 408(b) (2) regulations. VENDOR BENCHMARKING Benchmarking provides an impartial and objective analysis of plan vendors such as recordkeepers, actuaries, and managers. Westminster Consulting evaluates these vendors’ performances 6 ONGOING FIDUCIARY OVERSIGHT This comprehensive retainer service includes four main components: • Quarterly performance monitoring • Due diligence • Education • Compliance Westminster Consulting participates with your investment committee at each quarterly review meeting—providing a concise, detailed analysis of the overall plan as well as investments. We work closely with clients to help them manage their responsibilities, including administration, communications, and vendor management. FIDUCIARY EDUCATION AND TRAINING Westminster Consulting assists boards, trustees, and committees in understanding and fulfilling their role as fiduciaries. The training provides an in-depth look at fiduciary governance today and in the future. This comprehensive review provides executive-level guidance and solutions for the primary challenges facing investment fiduciaries under applicable law and ERISA.