Westminster Consulting Brochure Endowment & Foundation | Page 21

Demonstrating Good Stewardship for Eleemosynaries By Thomas F. Zamiara, AIFA® and Gabriel Potter, MBA, AIFA® | Westminster Consulting Why Should Donors Support Your Charity? Besides the people behind the organization, admittedly a charity’s most important asset, are the hard and soft assets that allow a notfor-profit to exist. The asset category that is the focus of this article is those monetary or investment assets that exist because of the passion and generosity of the donors. Without these donors and their commitment and affinity to the mission, a charity’s longevity would be no more than a short-lived social experiment. It is these investment assets that assures the longevity of the mission and the quality of experience the charity espouses. Consider for a moment you have been introduced to a certain notfor-profit and are being wooed to be a supporter, and hopefully, a loyal and significant donor. What kind of qualities would be of interest to you and instill a level of comfort with the organization which would allow you to make a substantial or long-term financial commitment? With so many charities losing public funds as a source of funding, many are “competing” for the same dollars in the private sector. Additionally, the private sector has become more discriminating in their giving p Ʌ