Westminster Consulting Brochure Defined Contribution & Defined Benefit | Page 21

Expert Opinions on The Future of Retirement Plans excerpts from “Prescience 2017: Expert Opinions on the Future of Retirement Plans” a study conducted by transamerica Transamerica Retirement Solutions’ Prescience 2017 is the fifth iteration of a modified Delphi Study conducted in the second quarter of 2013. The study examines trends in retirement plans with $25 million to $1 billion in assets. Fiftyfive retirement plan experts from 45 organizations across the nation answered the 85-question survey. Transamerica Retirement Solutions chose survey participants based on their positions as thought leaders and experienced professionals in the retirement plan business. Because of their involvement with major industry players, members of this panel are well suited to foretell high-level trends that will determine the road ahead for the retirement industry. • The application of a cluster of innovations enhancing the retirement readiness of American workers will be the trademark of the period 2013 – 2017. Experts surveyed for Prescience 2017 estimate that 59% of plan sponsors will have received a plan-level retirement readiness report. Thirty-nine percent will have changed the design of their plan to enhance the readiness of their participant population, 55% will have implemented automatic enrollment, and 45% of those will have adopted default deferral rates of 6% or higher. Most retirement plan service providers will be showing employees if they are on track to achieve a successful retirement and telling them how much they need to save to be on track. Going beyond accumulation in their quest to help participants achieve retirement success, one-quarter of plan sponsors will have conducted a search for an in-plan retirement income solution, and 10% will have implemented such a solution. • Evolving attitudes of regulators will do their part to contribute to the move toward an outcome philosophy of retirement benefits: lifting limits to maximum default deferral levels, expanding the scope of IB 96-1 to cover in-plan annuities and other retirement income guarantees, and changing safe harbor employer contribution formulas to models more likely to help workers achieve a successful retirement. Re-engineering Fiduciary | 19