Western Seoul November 2013 | Page 20

However the rise in requested cosmetic procedures has been blamed on the Korean music industry in particular, K-pop. Recently, PSY the international K-pop star, revealed that his record label urged him to get plastic surgery in order to become more successful within the industry. The CEO response to that was ‘Just a bit?’ (PSY 2012) PSY turned down the offers for plastic surgery but later gained international stardom with his single ‘Gangnam Style’. “How about we make him wear a cool mask?” “The agency heard my raps and were picturing a 6ft tall, sharp looking, trendy guy. But the CEO opened our meeting with ‘What are we going to do with this? How about we make him wear a cool mask?’” “Everyone was coming up with ‘solutions’ to my looks problem, they said, ‘How about a bit of plastic surgery here and there?’ This pressure applied to the young upcoming stars who are desperate for success is seeing identical westernized looks spread across the industry and consequentially society as South Koreans all strive to achieve life’s greatest accomplishments via the scalpel. There is an increasing trend for young Koreans being given the gift of double eyelid surgery as high school graduation presents from their parents in order for them to pursue a successful education at universities, often in the West. This procedure involves the skin around the eye being re-shaped to create a upper eyelid with crease. This trend is rapidly reducing the age of patients receiving plastic surgery to mid teenage years. This has caused great concern so much that in 2011, South Korea’s Ministry of Education issued a booklet to warn high school students about ‘Plastic Surgery Syndrome’. The problem has escalated with strings of surgeries opening in the affluent South Seoul and Gangnam areas, creating what is known as South Korea’s ‘Beauty Belt’. Surgeries are also heavily advertised around public transport stations, offering relatively cheap procedures to create a ‘better you’. 19 Miss Korea 2013 contestants Despite this plastic bombardment, the procedures are still seen as a taboo within Korean society. The public receive surgery just as casually as westerners get their greys covered in the hair salon; everyone does it but not everyone is willing to admit to it. This has created a blurred vision of what natural beauty is in Korea and leaves the citizens questioning who is naturally beautiful and who has been surgically enhanced. The plastic surgery phenomenon has filtered through many of Korea’s industries including the beauty industry. This year it has been reported that plastic surgery is to blame for creating ‘a beauty clone parade’ in the Miss Korea 2013 competition. Judges of ?????????????????)????????????????????????????????????)?????????????????????????????????)????????????????????????????????)?????????????????????]?????????()9??????-?????????????????????????????)??????????????????????????????????)????????????????????????9????????)???????????????????????)??????????????????????????????????)-?????????????????????????A?????)???????a?????????M????d???????)??????????????????????????????????)????????????????a????????????d???)??????????????????????????????????)?????M?????????????????????????????)?????????????????????????????????)?????????? ?????????????????????)??????????????????????????????+?a?????d?e??Q?????????????????????????)???????????-?????e???????????????????)??????????????????????????????)???????????????((??((0