Western Pallet Magazine May 2024 | Page 7

Building a Better Network

May 2024

In the pallet industry, networking serves as an essential tool for both personal and professional growth. At the Western Pallet Association, our goal is to bring together individuals and companies and provide a platform for members to connect, share ideas, and foster partnerships. Both in-person and virtual networking offer distinct advantages that can significantly benefit our members.

Our premiere networking event, the WPA Annual Meeting every January in Rancho Mirage CA, allows members to establish a personal connection with their peers. The face-to-face interactions are an invaluable part of meeting new friends and potential partners. Those side conversations, impromptu introductions during breaks inevitably lead to unexpected business opportunities.

As a trade association built by and for our members, the WPA embraces technology and practices virtual networking. Our online activities include the Master Learning Group discussion forums, webinars on the latest trends and topics that impact our industry, and social media platforms like LinkedIn.

These programs and platforms offer our members the ability to connect without geographical boundaries, making it easier to share knowledge and resources with each other. Virtual tools are the conduit to ongoing communication and partnership, helping members stay connected and informed about industry trends and association activities.

All of these forms of networking are designed to empower WPA members to expand their professional networks, learn from peers, exchange ideas, and discover new business opportunities.

By actively engaging in these activities, members will maximize their potential for professional development and contribute more to the pallet industry and community. In essence, networking is not just about building business; it’s about building a community that thrives, and the Western Pallet Association is 100% there for it.

Building Better Together

Dear WPA members and friends,


Glenn Meeks

Executive Vice President

Western Pallet Association