Western Pallet Magazine March edition 2018 | Page 9

ATTENTION WPA ASSOCIATE MEMBERS! Reserve your table-top space now! California in January ~ more than PALLETable WPA Annual Meeting January 13-17, 2017 Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa Rancho Mirage, CA Only for Associate Members! Western Pallet Association Annual Meeting in Palm Springs, January 13-17, 2017. You can expect an outstanding line-up of speakers on topical issues, plenty of time to network with old and new members at receptions, dinners, and golf. Exhibit space is limited. Sign up for exhibit tables opens September 6th. Exhibit Cost $300 - Before November 1st. $400 - After November 1st. Exhibit space includes a skirted, 8’ table arranged around the periphery of the meeting room. Additional amenities will be available through the Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa. Exhibitors must be Associate Members of WPA, pay the annual meeting registration fee, sign up and pay for an exhibit space. Exhibit Schedule Saturday, January 14th • 5:00 to 6:30 PM - Exhibit Showcase with WPA welcome reception Sunday, January 15th • 7:00 to 8:00 AM - Exhibit Showcase with WPA breakfast Sunday, January 15th • 12 Noon to 1:00 PM - Exhibit Showcase with lunch. Monday, January 16th • 8:00 to 9:00 AM - Exhibit Showcase with WPA breakfast Set-up starts at 12:00 Noon, Saturday, January 14th and should be ready by 5:00 PM, just in time for the welcome reception. Breakdown can start after 11:00 AM, Monday, January 16th and be cleared by 2:00 PM. Yes, I want a booth, sign me up today! (Meeting registration will be open in late September) NAME TABLE # REQUESTED 1ST Choice 2ND Choice COMPANY ADDRESS CITY STATE TELEPHONE ZIP EMAIL Bill Me VISA MC AMEX (circle one) Charge to Credit Card #: Expiration Date: Purchase Order # (if applicable): Security code (back of card): WPA Phone: (360) 335-0208 Fax: (360) 835-1910 Email: [email protected] Website: www.westernpallet.org Western Pallet Association Annual Meeting January 13-17, 2017 • Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa • Rancho Mirage, CA