Western Pallet Magazine March edition 2018 | Page 7

WPA Membership Drive Competition

This year's membership drive is now underway, and as always, the competition will be intense.

In addition to valuable cash prizes, the

winner now also receives the membership

trophy, presented at the Annual Meeting.

With the highly successful 2016 Annual

Meeting now in the books, it is time to work

toward 2017.

When you recruit new members, the entire WPA membership is the winner!

New members can join and pay on the website. Here is the link: www.westernpallet.org


MARCH 2018

North American

Softwood Prices

Weekly softwood lumber prices to March 20, 2018 are shown below, sourced at http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/forests/industry/13309.

WPA New Members

Marcus Blood

48Forty Solutions, LLC

3650 Mansell Road

Suite 100

Alpharetta, GA 30022

Phone: 801-201-8250

Web: www.48forty.com

Email: [email protected]

Jeremy Pitts

Boldesign, Inc.

2601 Withers Drive

Hudson, NC 28638

Ph: (828)358-9920

Fax: (828)754-7911

Web: www.boldesigninc.com

Email: [email protected]

Sponsor: Oxnard Pallet

Lance Johnson

ISK Biocides, Inc.

416 E Brooks Road

Memphis, TN 38109

Ph: (800)283-2523

Fax: (901)344-5388

Web: www.iskbiocides.com

Email: [email protected]

Sponsor: Ryan Greenwood, Crane Point Industrial