Western Pallet Magazine March 2021 | Page 20

Mold Season

Continued from P . 19
construction lumber to inhibit mold growth in homes . Its inventor , Jim Stanley , saw the need for a non-toxic mold inhibitor for lumber and pallets and reformulated the product for that use .
Similar to other mold prevention products , WoodLock is applied by spraying or dipping onto green cut boards , hardwoods , softwoods , pallets , crates , and boxes . It is uniquely effective in preventing mold by utilizing a unique polymer emulsion that forms an ionic bond with the formula ’ s anti-microbial agent and a mechanical bond with the wood , effectively “ locking ” out mold spores by stopping gestation . The active ingredients of WoodLock Bio-Shield are bio-available at just 10 % humidity with higher availability at higher humidity levels , so the better the conditions are for mold growth , the harder WoodLock works . These ingredients are held on the surface of the wood by the polymer , which softens , allowing the anti-microbial agent to become more bio-available . validated by Virginia Tech using ASTM D4445 Laboratory Method for Evaluating the Mold Resistance of Wood-based Materials .
In addition to its unique effectiveness , WoodLock is formulated with active ingredients which are on the EPA Safer Alternative List and are listed as FDA GRAS ( Generally Regarded as Safe ). The formula contains no hazardous materials or carcinogens and is non-flammable and non-corrosive . As a result , WoodLock requires no additional safety precautions and can be used indoors and / or around sparking machinery . The product ’ s pH of 7.3 ( once diluted ) is the same as the human body , so it will not damage containers , forklifts , or other equipment . Empty WoodLock containers can be recycled in standard municipal recycling streams , no special disposal protocols required .
For more information , contact Pallet Machinery Group .
This unique formula has a zone of inhibition up to 2-3 mm away , ensuring that nearby areas are protected even if a board is not 100 % covered . The polymer seals as it dries so it can work repeatedly , and because WoodLock is not watersoluble , it continues to protect wood from mold growth even after thousands of wetdry cycles . WoodLock ’ s performance was