Western Pallet Magazine June 2024 | Page 25

June 2024

Watching a skilled operator effortlessly wheel a forklift through a plant or around a pallet yard, it is easy to lose perspective of how much force is involved and how devastating that unintended contact can be. National Safety Month, celebrated each June, is an opportune time to reinforce and promote safety practices across various industries.

National Forklift Safety Day, also held each June, coincides with National Safety Month. For wood products companies, leveraging these national observances can significantly enhance their safety culture. These initiatives raise awareness and provide a structured approach to implementing safety protocols, thereby reducing workplace accidents and improving overall productivity.

Participating in National Safety Month and National Forklift Safety Day activities can offer several benefits. Firstly, it aligns the company with a national movement, reinforcing the importance of safety in the workplace. This alignment helps create a sense of urgency and importance among employees, encouraging them to take safety more seriously. Secondly, these observances provide a wealth of resources, including training materials, promotional items, and expert advice, which companies can use to bolster their safety programs. Lastly, it is an excellent opportunity to engage employees through interactive and educational activities, fostering a collaborative safety culture.

Practical Activities and Events for Raising Forklift Safety Awareness

To effectively raise forklift safety awareness, wood products companies can undertake various practical activities and events during

National Safety Month and National Forklift Safety Day. Here are some ideas:

1) Special Safety Meeting

For June, why not try something different than your regular monthly meeting? Make June the month where you have your annual review of forklift safety, reviewing operator forklift training and refresher requirements. Are all operators trained? Have experienced operators received mandatory refresher training?

Keep in mind that while OSHA requires a 3-year refresher, certain events will require an immediate refresher.

OSHA mandates refresher training when:

- The operator is observed operating the forklift unsafely.

- The operator is involved in an accident or near-miss incident.

- The operator receives a poor evaluation.

- Changes in the workplace affect safe forklift operation (e.g., new types of forklifts or modifications to the facility).

2) Contests and Quizzes

How about a quiz with prizes for everyone who gets a perfect score? The approach can be as simple as filling out the answers on a form, or something more dramatic, such as having a game show format among contestants at a crew safety meeting. Rember that forklift safety isn’t just for operators. Quizzes for plant pedestrians and supervisors can help underscore the importance of their roles in ensuring forklift safety.

Here is one generic example of a quick quiz for operators. Here is another for non-operators or pedestrians who travel in the plant. Cont'd on Page 26.

3) Guest Speakers

People tend to tune out the same or similar messaging over time, whether the “beep beep” of a backup warning alarm or repeated messaging from the regular supervisor. To catch people’s attention, why not bring in a fresh speaker to talk about forklift safety and best practices. It could be someone from your local dealership, a 3rd party training provider or even perhaps someone internally like your maintenance manager who might provide a fresh and more interesting voice.

4) Signage and Communications Review

Make June a time to review safety signage and markings. Soliciting feedback from the team, review this aspect of your safety system. Are the necessary signs in place? Are fire lane or emergency exit signs being ignored? Are some signs still in place that have become unnecessary because of changes in the plant? Is additional signage needed?

5) Refresher Training

Some plants coordinate forklift operator refresher training in June. This is an easy way to ensure that operator retraining stays up to date and is less complicated than tracking individual refresher training dates throughout the year.

6) Accident Simulations

Simulating a serious accident can be a great way to help employees practice effective emergency response and raise overall plant awareness of the hazard. If you decide to perform a simulation, start with a clear plan. Define the objectives, script the scenario, select participants, and assign roles.

For example, simulate an accident involving a pedestrian struck by a lift truck. Your response procedures would probably include the operator stopping the truck and attending to the victim, communication with first aid and management, and stopping work in the immediate area to prevent secondary accidents. If an ambulance is required, spotters might be required at various points on the property to direct emergency vehicles to the accident scene.

After the simulation, take time to fully review the exercise to celebrate successes and identify opportunities for improvement.

9 Celebrate with Food

Hosting a free lunch for employees can be an effective strategy for promoting forklift safety in a plant setting. Such events create a relaxed and engaging environment where employees can interact more openly with safety trainers and management. The informal setting of a shared meal can also facilitate interactive sessions like safety quizzes and demonstrations (see some of the points above), making learning about forklift safety more memorable and impactful. By incorporating these activities into the lunch, employees can engage in meaningful discussions and better understand the importance of safe forklift practices.

Wood packaging and pallet companies can significantly enhance their safety culture by participating in National Safety Month and National Forklift Safety Day. Through practical activities and events, they can effectively raise forklift safety awareness, reduce accidents, and foster a safer working environment. These efforts not only benefit the employees but also contribute to the overall success and reputation of the company.

Leveraging National Safety Month for Forklift Safety Awareness