Western Pallet Magazine July 2024 | Page 34


Heat Illness Prevention: Keeping It Cool at Work

It’s essential to have a heat illness prevention program for outdoor work environments—not just for safety but because it's a requirement by many local Occupational Safety and Health Standards. 

Let’s face it, if your team is going to be working outside and under the sun, you need to ensure they're well-protected from the risks of heat exhaustion or even heat stroke, which can have serious, life-threatening consequences.

Here’s some quick tips make outdoor workplaces safer and more comfortable:

Training is Key: Every employee should be trained and aware on how to spot heat-related illnesses and the importance of staying hydrated. Regular training sessions should be on the calendar, and make sure new employees get this essential info as well.

Stay Hydrated: Have drinking water readily available and easy to access. It’s a simple step that can prevent serious health issues.

Breaks in the Shade: Encourage taking breaks in shaded or cool areas. This isn’t just about comfort; it’s a necessity to keep everyone safe and healthy. Make sure there are enough rest spots for everyone to take a breather.

Cooling Technology: Consider bringing in some tech like cooling fans or misting systems. These can significantly lower temperatures and provide a much-needed reprieve from the heat.

Keep an Eye Out: Implement a buddy system and keep tabs on the weather. Supervisors

should be able to spot when someone’s in trouble and act swiftly.

Emergency Plans: Have a clear, effective response plan for heat-related emergencies. This includes steps for immediate care and how to get professional medical help when needed.

Implementing these strategies shows a commitment to your team’s well-being. Not only does it help prevent health issues, it boosts productivity and morale. Always stay updated with the latest safety guidelines and tweak your program as needed to ensure everyone’s safety.

And remember, the employer must have a written heat illness prevention plan.  This should be kept in their safety manual.  If they have an inspection, the inspector will want to see the written plan.

A well-thought-out heat illness prevention program is key to keeping your outdoor workers safe and productive. Let's keep the workplace cool, even when the temperatures rise! WPM

By Brint Walker