Western Pallet Magazine July 2024 | Page 11

July 2024

Bridging the Gap

with Kat Vasquez

A Misogi Challenge - Running a Marathon On the Great Wall of China

Welcome back to "Bridging the Gap with Kat." This month I share a personal odyssey in hopes of inspiring you through the end of the year. On May 18, 2024, I conquered the Great Wall of China Marathon, a feat that was both an unexpected journey and a testament to endurance both physically and mentally. If you’ve ever trained for a race, the time, energy and sacrifices it takes, is sometimes more than the race itself. In the end, I crossed it in triumph! Reflecting on my experience, I realized there was a name for this crazy thing I just did.

It’s called a Misogi Challenge, popularized by Jesse Itzler, an extreme entrepreneur known for his eclectic career, adventurous spirit, and unconventional approach to life and business. He said that the concept is to do something challenging once a year that will have an impact on the rest of the year. Some say it’s the billionaire’s secret ritual. Whatever you decide your Misogi Challenge is, it must be a 50/50 shot at succeeding or failing.

Misogi, meaning "water cleansing," is a traditional Japanese Shinto ritual that involves washing the body and purifying the mind, body, and spirit through physical and mental challenges. In samurai tradition, misogi helps warriors build mental clarity and gain a deeper understanding of themselves by pushing their limits.

In our modern world, there are great benefits to experiencing a Misogi Challenge. The process of setting out to accomplish it, will transform you into a better person and make your threshold for doing hard things higher. It’s a powerful weapon because the more you experience, the more you can offer.

Why is Misogi vital for us? In our rapidly evolving industry, we must embrace the difficult, aim for ambitious goals with uncertain outcomes, and find beauty in the balance of risk and reward. Misogi cultivates indispensable qualities for leadership and success in changing the world.

As we navigate the remainder of the year, consider your Misogi Challenge. What will push you, inspire growth, and lead to self-discovery? Will you complete it before the year ends? Or will you begin to plan for 2025? Whether it’s a company-wide challenge, a team endeavor, or a personal quest, it must be a 50/50 chance at success. Share your Misogi Challenge with me, and let’s be the pioneers who drive our industry forward and finish strong together!

In this month’s installment, I’ll leave you with this African Proverb, “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together”.

Kat Vasquez, Contributing Writer