Looming Insect Invasion Threatens
California Grapes and Avocados
Spotted lantern fly, originally from China, has invaded the US East Coast, and is
expected to make its way to California. Credit: Stephen Asmus / USDA-ARS
UC Riverside is testing whether a sesame Invasive Species Research at UC Riverside,
seed-sized wasp can control a pest that explains why the lantern fly is so harmful.
could seriously damage California crops
including wine, walnuts, and avocados.
"It secretes copious amounts of "
honeydew," a waste product that
The pest, a sap-sucking spotted lantern encourages black, sooty mold and
fly, is originally from China and was first damages a plant's ability to grow," he said.
detected five years ago in Pennsylvania. The honeydew also attracts undesirable
Since then, large populations have spread insects such as ants and hornets.
rapidly to grape vines, apple trees, and
other plants in New York, Delaware, New The impacts could extend well beyond
Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia.
California. According to industry reports,
the state is the world's fourth-largest wine
Experts believe the lantern fly is likely to producer, selling an estimated $35 billion
make its way to California soon.
domestically and exporting $1.5 billion
Mark Hoddle, director of the Center for
JULY 2019