Pallet Consultants Significantly
Reduces Injuries, Makes Safety #1
Workplace injuries have dropped sharply
at WPA member Pallet Consultants since
implementing new safety measures in
January. Those measures included new
equipment as well as changes to injury
reporting procedures, safety processes
and an overall renewed focus on team
member well being,
Suarez explained. He also said Pallet
Consultants has “increased training and
awareness companywide with new safety
videos that loop on TV screens in our
cafeteria daily.”
Team members at Pallet Consultants
already had access to health insurance,
401k and other benefits, but the company
Gus Gutierrez, CEO of Pallet Consultants, wanted to do more according to Gutierrez.
says this move is part of a larger goal for
the company. “Safety has always been a “Take for example our new injury
priority, but now we’re doubling down,” reporting system,” Gutierrez noted. “If
he said.
someone gets hurt, management has to
send the report to executives within 24
There have been new purchases like hours, along with an action plan to prevent
goggles that don’t fog in the humid Florida it in the future. That action plan is shared
summers, new guards on machines, better with all other managers at our other
gloves and brighter lights. Longer and locations, and they all share their own
more comprehensive training periods suggestions and take notes.”
with detailed videos and safety
suggestion boxes placed around the Suarez’s favorite development is “team
warehouse have also made workers more awareness and willingness to not only
aware of safety procedures and more protect themselves but their coworkers
confident in reporting potential hazards, by pointing out anything they think could
according to Daniel Suarez, the Pompano be unsafe.”
Beach Operations Manager.
Being without injuries is a lofty goal, but
“We are now proactive versus reactive,” one Gutierrez is confident in. “We’ll get
says Suarez. “We have added new lighting there, and be the safest company in the
for much clearer pathways for our forklift industry. It’s only a matter of time.”
drivers. Upgraded nail guns with added
safety features. Upgraded and added new
cameras for internal review and training,”
JULY 2019