challenging for smaller companies to offer. One participant encouraged attendees to consider benefits such as
dental, vision, life insurance and short term disability plans.
Quote: “One of the biggest things I can encourage you guys to do is to look into short term disability plans. I know we have a lot of dads that are out there working and if something were to happen to them when they're not at work with you…it can ruin their lives. That has been something that has really helped our people feel good about their life at work and their life outside of work.”
One suggestion for a benefits solution is to join a professional employer organization (PEO) plan. However, one participant cautioned that while a PEO can be a good solution, be mindful that not all PEO providers are reputable. Look for a PEO registered at the IRS website.
Quote: “There's a lot of shady PEOs out there. And we've had a very negative experience with one and I'm still dealing with them but I'm actually working with some IRS criminal agents right now because of an event that we had in a relationship that we had with a PEO group…The reputable PEOs are registered with the IRS because when you use a PEO, we depend on them to pay our payroll taxes. And if they're thieves, they're going to take your payroll, they're going to take all that money and you're not going to get it back.”
Should ex-employees be rehired?
When it comes to rehiring an ex-employee, roundtable participants were of the mind that it depends on the individual as to whether or not they would rehire. One participant said that they normally would not rehire, but given the ongoing labor shortage, “You have to do what you have to do.”
Another participant stressed the importance of getting feedback from supervisors and peers prior to a rehire decision.
Quote: “Most of the time, it's if you bring him back we quit. So, you definitely have to get that input of their peers, were they a team player, all of those things.”
The usefulness of supervisors keeping good notes on employees was stressed, so there is a work history that can be reviewed during a rehire decision.
When it is time to part ways
Participants stressed the importance of having an updated employee handbook and the importance of documenting progressive disciplinary actions so that when termination comes, it is no surprise. Another important thing consideration is purchasing employer’s liability insurance to limit your exposure if a terminated employee does take you to court.
Annual Meeting Speakers, Cont'd from Page 19