Finally, having a checklist of IPPC issues for someone to use to review material against also helps maintain conformance. This is typically performed at the end of the quality control process, so material that is approved as finished goods can then be staged as ready-to-ship or be reviewed for conformance by TP or ALSC.
These are only a few suggestions on how conformance can be met. As stated, every facility needs to determine what quality control processes are most effective and efficient for their operation. The important thing is to have one in place to ensure the IPPC requirements are consistently met.
This article was reprinted with permission, from the Timber Products WPM August 2021 Newsletter.
WPA Welcomes New Member
The Western Pallet Association is pleased to introduce the following new member:
Greg Imel
1921 Appaloosa Trail
Elizabeth, CO 80107
Ph: (303)725-0786 Web: