APRIL 2018
INTERPAL Registration Now Open
Interpal registration is now open!
Interpal is an international conference held every four years for the global wood packaging industry. The last time Interpal was held in North America was 2009. NWPCA is excited to be co-hosting Interpal 2018 with our Canadian counterparts, CWPCA.
This year, we're combining Interpal with the Fall Plant Tours, making this event a definite must-attend. In addition to the plant tours, there will be featured speakers, educational sessions, an expo, and of course, a lot of networking!
The last two years, plant tours have sold out. This year, industry professionals from all over the world will be attending, so please make sure to register early!
Plant Tours - IMPORTANT to read!
Because of the magnitude of the event, there are two options for tours: a North and a South tour. When you register, you'll be required to choose one. Please ensure you've reviewed the options prior to selecting, as that is how you'll register.
Early bird registration is $745, until June 30th. The price increases to $895 July 1st. Spouse registration is $295, (tours not included). All prices are USD.
The host hotel is the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis. The negotiated room rate is $199/night + tax (USD). Click to make reservations online.
If you'd like to exhibit at Interpal 2018, please email Mark Barford or call +1-703-519-0186. Please note that space is limited.
Click here to register for Interpal.