Western Pallet Magazine April 2022 | Page 24

Understanding Personality Types

Cont'd from Page 23

guiding populists, it is best to give them shorter projects so they won’t feel boxed in.

3     Peacemaker

Peacemakers thrive on routine. They drive the same way to work every day, and when they go grocery shopping, they cover the entire store to make sure they didn't miss something. If you ask them a question, they will answer, but then come back with a revised answer hours later.

The basic desire of the peacemaker is to enjoy peace in an environment where people get along. The greatest fears of peacemakers are change, conflict, and confrontation.  When under pressure, the peacemaker will usually go silent. When dealing with peacemakers, Mathis suggests taking the time to explain why things are happening to the peacemaker, and to allow them ample time to process information and instructions.

4     Perfectionist

As the name would suggest, the perfectionist strives to be the best they can be, and they are very sensitive to criticism. They fear a lack of rules and imperfection. When under stress, their

Providing clear guidelines and a structured environment allow the perfectionist to succeed.

responses can become robotic. When dealing with perfectionists, it can be

useful to help them lower their expectations. Providing clear guidelines and a structured environment that allow the perfectionist to succeed.

Mathis reminded attendees that they should not seek to replicate themselves in the people they hire. Hire people with the other personality styles, and be mindful of those differences, in order to create a well-balanced team.