Western Pallet Magazine Annual Meeting Issue | Page 11



Coalition Responds Positively to Countervailing Duty Determination

politics. I am sure there will be topics of interest for everyone to help with their day to day business operations. Our Incoming Vice President, Annie Monty, is a third-generation pallet producer who has already begun ushering the WPA into the digital world of social media, including Facebook and Twitter."

Annie moves to the role of Vice President after serving as Treasurer. WPA is pleased to introduce Beatrice Vasquez of Oxnard Pallet as the Association's new Treasurer.

"It seems like we keep saying this year after year, but we have had another record turnout this year," Lindsey stated in her acceptance speech. "I will never forget several years back when I attended my first WPA meeting, we were in a room that was half this size, and I walked in and took one look in the room and I was in awe. I didn’t just see networking happening, I saw friendships between colleagues and competitors and at that moment, I realized just how much I wanted to be a part of this industry and of the “friendliest association.” I was truly inspired to contribute to an association that has given so much to my company and to my family."

Lindsey remarked that 2017 was not without its challenges for many WPA members, trying to find adequate labor, the Softwood Lumber Agreement, and trucking shortages. The year also saw great strides, however, including the approval of the new and very improved ICC and NFPA fire codes.

"We saw the USDA classify wood pallets as a Bio Preferred product, proving wood pallets and packaging as a sustainable choice, Lindsey said. We saw further development of Nature’s Packaging and all of the benefits it has to offer. And we

Cont'd on Page 15.

Introducing WPA's new Executive Team. (L-R) Beatrice Vasquez (Oxnard Pallet), Lindsey Shean (Valley Pallet), Dave Uppal Jr. (Pioneer Pallet & Lumber), and Annie Monty (American Pallet).