West Virginia Medical Journal - 2021 - Quarter 4 | Page 17

of water they use . During the notorious and ongoing Flint , MI , water crisis , physicians played a critical role in uncovering the crisis and providing leadership when the government failed to respond effectively . Physicians have significant power and prestige that they should use to advocate for the health of their patients and the broader community . Health professionals can make a difference to water policy and regulation , and their leadership is greatly needed .
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3 . Mary Jean Brown & Stephen Margolis , Lead in Drinking Water and Human Blood Lead Levels in the United States . 61 MMWR SUPPL . 1 , 1 – 9 ( 2012 ).
4 . Bruce Jennings & Leslie Lyons Duncan , Water Safety and Lead Regulation : Physicians ’ Community Health Responsibilities , 19 AMA J . ETHICS 1027 , 1028 ( 2017 ).
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6 . Council on Environmental Health , Prevention of Childhood Lead Toxicity , 138 PEDIATRICS 1 , 4 – 5 ( 2016 ).
7 . Lead , U . S . DEP ’ T OF LABOR , https :// www . osha . gov / lead / healtheffects ( last visited Oct . 26 , 2021 ).
8 . EPA Finalizes Historic Action to Better Protect Children ’ s Health , EPA ( Dec . 22 , 2020 ), https :// www . epa . gov / newsreleases / epafinalizes-historic-action-better-protect-childrens-health .
9 . Elena H . Humphreys , Cong . Rsch . Serv ., R46794 , Addressing Lead in Drinking Water : The Lead and Copper Rule Revisions ( LCRR ) 7 ( 2021 ).
10 . Eric Bock , Pediatrician Who Uncovered Flint Water Crisis Recounts Experience , NIH Record , https :// nihrecord . nih . gov / 2021 / 04 / 30 / pediatrician-who-uncovered-flint-water-crisisrecounts-experience ( last visited Oct . 26 , 2021 ).
Ashley M . Stephens
West Virginia Medical Journal • December 2021 • 15