West Virginia Medical Journal - 2021 - Quarter 3 | Page 6



Annual Healthcare Summit
16 AMA Delegate Report
18 Marshall University Joan C . Edwards School of Medicine
20 West Virginia University College of Law
44 West Virginia University School of Medicine
48 West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine


22 A Case of Zoonotic Leprosy in West Virginia
28 Knowledge Gap as Barrier to Influenza Vaccination at a University Primary Care Clinic
34 Speech Language Pathology Perceptions in the Time of COVID-19 : Telehealth and Dysphagia Services in West Virginia
40 Penile Variant of Mondor ’ s Disease : A Challenging Diagnosis Requiring Primary Care and Urologic Collaboration


6 Editor ’ s Letter : Accessing the Early Years for Strong Peer Review
9 Message from the President : Physician Unity Moves Medicine Through Diversity and Inclusion
51 West Virginia State Medical Association Manuscript Guidelines
* The research included in any editorial labeled “ News ” has not been peer reviewed by the West Virginia Medical Journal Publications Committee .
ABOUT THE COVER : President Shafic Sraj , MD , MBA-c . Photo by Tracy A . Toler Photography .