West Virginia Medical Journal - 2021 - Quarter 3 | Page 16


2021 WVSMA Healthcare Summit
The West Virginia State Medical Association ’ s ( WVSMA ) annual Healthcare Summit was held August 20-22 , 2021 at The Greenbrier .
During the summit , Shafic Sraj , MD , MBA-c , was sworn in as president . In his first address as president , Sraj told his colleagues the WVSMA must bridge the gap between physicians and adapt to changes in the current healthcare system . According to Sraj , changes in healthcare , including those brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic , provide opportunities for physicians and the WVSMA to take action to improve overall healthcare in the state .
E . Gordon Gee , president of West Virginia University ( WVU ), gave the keynote address . He praised Sraj , noting he has made WVU a leader in minimally invasive hand surgery . Gee noted West Virginia ( WV ) ranks behind the nation in physical and mental health and said for the state to move forward , we must — at all levels — address health disparities and the opioid epidemic .
While WV is known for sending coal , gas , and oil out of state , Gee said the loss of talent is the real drain on the state . He said the solution to the talent drawdown is creating jobs to help young people stay in the state .
Because health disparities are the state ’ s number one problem , it is WVU ’ s mission to keep hospitals in local communities . Gee said WVU is committed to finding real solutions to health problems and encouraged physicians to prioritize their personal wellbeing as well as caring for their patients .
P . Bradley Hall , MD , who concluded his term during the luncheon , said because of the COVID-19 pandemic , his presidential term was not what he expected . He praised members of the WVSMA executive committee for stepping up to the plate in an exemplary fashion , noting the unwavering effort from WVSMA Treasurer Anne Banfield . He said the entire executive committee has been willing to serve as agents of change .
Other officers who took the oath of office at the summit include : Lisa Costello , MD , president-elect ; Suzanne Gharib , MD , vice president ; Anne Banfield , MD , treasurer ; Joseph B . Selby , MD , American Medical Association ( AMA ) delegate ; and James Felsen , MD , alternate AMA delegate .
* Masks were worn throughout the summit except for brief photo opportunities at food and drink events .
John D . Law
Interim Director of the West Virginia State Medical Association
14 • www . wvsma . org