West Virginia Medical Journal - 2021 - Quarter 3 | Page 12

gather and decide on policy , does not satisfy our members nor our needs anymore . The WVSMA must become much more responsive and nimble and must allow better and more robust membership engagement in policy matters . Bandages are not going to save the day , and we cannot hide the obvious anymore : the WVSMA needs a whole new governance model .
There is a lot we can do , but we should start with our basics . Our mission statement is clear : the WVSMA advances health and promotes quality and safety in the practice of medicine in WV . Our vision is to serve as the unified voice for the practice of medicine and the premier authority for evidenced-based health policy in West Virginia .
Moving medicine through advancing health and promoting quality and safety requires a united physician voice . The WVSMA ’ s voice is that of WV physicians — all WV physicians — irrespective of their practice model , employment , specialty , or location . Let ’ s rebuild our WV House of Medicine where every specialty or interest group gets a room while everyone belongs to the same household .
Serving as the unified voice of our diverse WV physicians requires the WVSMA to continue to foster such diversity and break the old white men stereotype that has plagued organized medicine for decades . Let ’ s make sure our members and leaders are a true reflection of WV physicians across all dimensions , be it gender , age , medical training , race , religion , national origin , or any other dimension you can think of . If you are a WV physician , you have a place at the WVSMA .
A unified voice is never valid unless it is inclusive . Inclusive organizations remove all obstacles and install all necessities to make their members heard and impactful . Members know their place exists , their contributions are sought after , and they are beyond welcome . Let ’ s identify those obstacles , remove them , and build new vehicles for participation instead .
All this requires a reconfiguration of how we operate . One weekend a year , during which just a handful of delegates
We need a governance model that allows members who have the interest , expertise , and experience in particular policy matters to contribute , on demand , throughout the year . We need a governance model that allows members to self-organize into interest groups and run for leadership positions independent of their locations . We need a governance model that follows a fluid process and does not rely on intermediaries . We need to offer value that invites more physicians to join forces under the umbrella of the WVSMA following the hospitable WV way . We need to modernize our events and create new traditions that foster education , collegiality , and networking , while lifting barriers that hinder participation . We need to be more visible .
What we really need is to embrace a cultural change . Let ’ s become the organization tomorrow ’ s WV physicians want to be part of . Let ’ s project our values outside our membership , beyond our annual meeting , and outside our medical journal and reach out to those who may someday become our future physician leaders by going to them where they are .
Let ’ s invest in our future physician-leaders , together with our stakeholders , and build a force that can bridge the gap between physicians and healthcare administrators . Let ’ s connect with our stakeholders , seek common ground , and move medicine together in the direction that is best for those we care for .
Let ’ s fit more seats at our table for those willing to be with us , and let ’ s find ourselves more seats at others ’ tables and make sure we are heard and listened to .
I am a believer that organized medicine is the way to go , but tomorrow ’ s organized medicine may not be the one we inherited . Let ’ s rebuild our association , and let ’ s use our physician unity to move medicine through diversity and inclusion .
Thank you ,
Shafic Sraj , MD , MBA-c WVSMA President
10 • www . wvsma . org