West Virginia Medical Journal - 2021 - Quarter 2 | Page 10


Message from the President
Thank You for a Transformational and Challenging Year
P . Bradley Hall , MD
The past year has been a challenge for all of humanity . With a public health crisis , lock downs , and changes to life as we know it added to an already stressed healthcare system , many of us needed to adapt to new ways of practicing medicine and managing our life-work integration . We had to look in the mirror and deal with anxiety , fear , and our roles as citizens , human beings , and physicians .
We are living in history as it unfolds . The pace at which the year has transpired is a reminder of how quickly time passes and that it does not stand still for any of us . The rapid rise in COVID-19 cases and deaths , civil unrest , and the associated domestic violence , overdose deaths , mental illness , suicide , and substance misuse has shed light on physicians being frontline witnesses to the effect on our patients , friends , family , co-workers , and ourselves . Our lifespans and experiences are so limited and finite compared to the infinite universe that these misfortunes will someday be seen as temporary obstacles . We as physicians are responsible for offering encouragement to others , effectively communicating with honesty and transparency , and acknowledging the difficulties felt by everyone . Physicians are change agents in these challenging times , and we have a choice : to be passive observers or active participants in history being made . As president of such an esteemed organization representing the needs of physicians , patients , and public health , it has been an honor to serve .
As the largest physician advocacy organization in the state , serving our members across every range of specialties in a continued effort to better serve the citizens of West Virginia , the West Virginia State Medical Association ( WVSMA ) accomplishes its mission through productive , collaborative relationships with other organizations . I am pleased to have established a committee process structure that includes a newly established membership committee under the leadership of Ann Murray , MD . Our membership committee is investigating member benefit expansion , member engagement , and how best to meet the needs of today ’ s physicians . The bylaws committee , under the leadership of Shafic Sraj , MD , and Adam Breinig , DO , is continuing to review our ageold bylaws to evaluate restructuring opportunities , which will allow us to keep pace effectively and efficiently with current times . Anne Banfield , MD , chair of our finance committee , is actively reviewing ways to achieve long-term financial viability . Our legislative committee met the most challenging occasion of physical distancing and associated restrictions to the customary processes during the 60-day legislative session .
The WVSMA takes the opportunity to ensure legislators understand our mission to promote the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health through policy . This year , under the leadership of legislative committee chair Chris Goode , MD ; WVSMA Executive Director Danny Scalise ; and our lobbyist Alex Macia , JD , there were a number of issues supported and successful .
According to Senate Bill 277 , relating to COVID Jobs Protection Act , “ the new law states there is no claim against any person , including healthcare facilities , providers , and first responders , for any loss or damage arising from COVID-19 , COVID-19 care , or impacted care .” Impacted care means care that is offered , delayed , or otherwise adversely affected at a healthcare facility or by a provider during the COVID-19 emergency . A special procedure in medical malpractice cases is created where a defendant can raise immunity arising from impacted care . House Bill 2024 , relating to telemedicine , improves the ability of our patients ’ access to care for professional services . A multitude of other areas of interest to the WVSMA and its membership — including , but not limited to , harm reduction programs , scope of practice issues , medical cannabis , immunizations , certificate of need , and taxes — were actively followed as well .
The WVSMA plays a vital role in our profession , and I hope each member finds a way to appreciate the people that serve you . We will continue to provide networking opportunities , continuing education , and representation to our members . It takes a collective effort to make our association viable . I would like to thank the members of our executive committee and council who have given of themselves countless hours to carrying out our mission . The WVSMA staff has worked diligently in support of its leadership .
Thank you for allowing me to serve as your president in these challenging times . It has been an honor and an experience I will always remember . I hope to see many of you at our upcoming WVSMA Healthcare Summit in August as we continue our journey forward . Having lived my page in history as WVSMA ’ s president , I look forward to my continued involvement under the passionate and devoted leadership of your incoming president , Shafic Sraj , MD .
8 • www . wvsma . org