West Virginia Medical Journal - 2021 - Quarter 1 | Page 39

FIGURE : Median responses on items , with asterisk demarking the Mann-Whitney significance results .
Dental , Pre Dental , Post Medical , Pre Medical , Post
Median Scores
Q1 . Learning events about diversity and inclusion in relation to health care delivery
Q2 . A culturally diverse health care provider workforce is needed to provide optimal patient care
Q3 . How would you rate your level of awareness of health care disparities in the United States ?
Q4 . How frequently do health care disparities occur in West Virginia ?
Q5 . How frequently do health care disparities occur in the United States ?
Q6 . Stereotyping and prejudicial comments impact health care delivery and health care disparities
Q7 . Health care disparities are influenced by the quality of interpersonal care
Legend : * p < 0.05 ; ** p < 0.01
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14 . ADEA Foundation Knowledge and Skills for the New General Dentist ( as approved by the 2011 ADEA House of Delegates ). J Dent Educ . 2011 ; 75 ( 7 ): 932-935 .
15 . Association of American Medical Colleges . The Core Competencies for Entering Medical Students . Available at : https :// students-residents . aamc . org / applying-medical-school / article / corecompetencies /. Accessed on September 14 , 2020 .
16 . United States Census : Quick Facts . Available at : https :// www . census . gov / quickfacts / fact / table / US / PST045219 . Accessed on : August 31 , 2020 .
17 . Storti C . The Art of Crossing Cultures . 2 nd Ed . Intercultural Press , Inc . Boston . 2007 .
18 . Eiser , AR and Ellis G . Cultural competence and the African American experience with health care : the case for specific content in cross-cultural education . Acad Med . 82 ( 2 ); 2007 ; 176-183 .
19 . Greene MZ , France K , Kreider EF , Wolfe- Roubatis E , Chen KD , Wu A , Yehia BR .
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health disparities , diversity , awareness , medical education , dental education
Jason Hedrick and Wendy Ridenour for assistance with data collection . Mustafa Rfat for assistance with the IRB protocol submission .
DISCLOSURES : All of the authors have no disclosures .
Manuel C . Vallejo , MD , DMD Designated Institutional Official Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education , Professor of Medical Education , Anesthesiology and Obstetrics / Gynecology West Virginia University School of Medicine Morgantown , WV 26506 mcvallejo @ hsc . wvu . edu 304-293-0672
West Virginia Medical Journal • March 2021 • 37