Board of Trustees Report 16 asks that our AMA support further research to help define the population of patients who may be safely treated with methadone maintenance by way of officebased treatment , including primary care .
Resolution 203 as amended advocates that our AMA support widespread adoption of telehealth services in the practices of medicine for physicians and physician-led teams past SARS- COVID . In addition , AMA will advocate for equitable access to telehealth services by supporting increased funding and planning for telehealth infrastructure such as broadband and internetconnected devices for both physician practices and patients .
In Reference Committee C , medical education policy was adopted calling for the National Board of Medical Examiners , Federation of State Medical Boards , and the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners to eliminate centralized clinical skills examinations used as a part of state licensure . Council on Medical Education Report 3 encourages the Association of American Medical Colleges , American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine , and National Resident Matching Program to develop a process to be used in the event of a sudden closure of a program or teaching institution .
In Reference Committee D , Public Health put forth Resolution 407 as amended by addition directing the AMA to advocate and recommend ways in which to strengthen the public health system infrastructure to address pandemic threats , health inequalities , and social determinants of health outcomes .
In Reference Committee E , Science and Technology Report 4 from the Council on Science and Public Health was adopted as amended . The report addressed the public health impact of cannabis legislation . Several highlights from this lengthy report include that our AMA believes :
• Cannabis is a dangerous drug .
• The sale of cannabis for adult use is defined as age 21 and older .
• Public health-based strategies rather than incarceration should be employed to deal with individuals possessing cannabis for personal use .
• In encouraging research on the impact of legalization and decriminalization of cannabis .
The Council on Long Range Planning and Development Report 3 was assigned to Reference Committee F . Report 3 was adopted by the House of Delegates and directed the AMA to transition the Private Practice Physician Congress to the Private Practice Physician Section and that the AMA develop bylaw language to recognize the Private Practice Physician Section .
Finally , in Reference Committee G , Medical Practice , resolution 712 was adopted as amended . This resolution resolved that our AMA advocate all insurance companies and benefit managers that require prior authorization have staff available to process approvals 24 hours a day , every day of the year , including holidays and weekends .
The 2022 first quarter issue of the West Virginia Medical Journal — to be published in March 2022 — will be a special issue dedicated to physician wellness . Original research articles on physician wellness should be submitted for consideration no later than September 30 , 2021 . Authors must include a cover letter explaining the submission is for the special issue and how their research relates to the theme . Please contact Dr . Linda S . Nield at lnield @ hsc . wvu . edu for more information .
West Virginia Medical Journal • March 2021 • 13