West Virginia Executive Winter 2025 | Page 15

PAID ADVERTISEMENT Hospitals Keep Communities Healthy A Message from the West Virginia Hospital Association

PAID ADVERTISEMENT Hospitals Keep Communities Healthy A Message from the West Virginia Hospital Association

The driving mission of all hospitals , regardless of size and location , is to provide quality and compassionate care to patients and advance health in their communities .
West Virginia ’ s hospitals and health care workers have continually stepped up , caring for patients , providing countless essential services , and saving lives .
Beyond lifesaving and emergency medical care , hospitals provide incomparable value through round-the-clock access , neighborhood health clinics , and wellness programs tailored to meet diverse community needs .
Importantly , hospitals do not close their doors — they remain open 24 / 7 , 365 days a year , providing care to all who need it . Only hospitals and hospital emergency departments ( EDs ) provide comprehensive care aroundthe-clock to clinically complex patients and during emergencies , especially after normal business hours and overnight when other providers are closed . As a result , hospital EDs are a critical , indispensable and sometimes only access point to health care for patients and communities in West Virginia . On average in West Virginia , there are approximately 870,000 ED patients that are treated and released .
West Virginia Hospitals
• Provide care to all who need it , 24 / 7 / 365 .
• Provide services and programs to advance health and wellness and drive research , education , and innovation .
• Directly employ nearly 53,000 West Virginians .
• Pay $ 3.77 billion in direct wages / benefits .
• Indirectly support another 45,000 West Virginia jobs .
• Contribute $ 1.05 billion in community benefit and drive $ 13.9 billion in economic impact .
Hospitals also drive research , innovation , and the local economy , attracting families and providing jobs . Hospitals are among the state ’ s top employers , directly employing nearly 53,000 people statewide , and supporting $ 13.9 billion in economic activity . West Virginia hospitals play a vital role in enhancing the physical and mental health of West Virginians and creating a foundation for an economically strong state .
These figures underscore the tremendous value hospitals provide to their communities and it is vitally important that we all work together to :
• Ensure access to care and maintain financial sustainability ,
• Support our health care workforce and ,
• Promote regulatory and administrative relief .
Every day , thousands of examples demonstrate how hospitals and caregivers save lives and support health beyond critical services . They embody the true meaning of care and community commitment . When people see the blue “ H ,” they know hospitals stand ready , advancing health for West Virginia and beyond .
The West Virginia Hospital Association is a not-for-profit statewide organization representing hospitals and health systems across the continuum of care .
100 Association Drive Charleston , WV 25311-1571 wvha . org