JB McCuskey – Republican
Tell us about your professional background and how it has prepared you for the role of attorney general .
As a lawyer in private practice , I defended the coal industry , worked on oil and gas production and zealously defended West Virginia small businesses . As state auditor , I have made it my mission to hold governments accountable and protect the fiscal interests of the taxpayer . As the next attorney general ( AG ), fighting daily for the rights , freedoms and trust of the people of West Virginia will be my highest priority . I believe my record of protecting the taxpayer , increasing bureaucratic responsibility and doing more with less has prepared me to do just that .
What do you see as West Virginia ’ s biggest challenges ?
We must address the issues facing our young families and small businesses — our state ’ s economic bedrock . Creating an environment where people feel safe , welcome and free to live their lives , raise their children and operate their businesses on their terms must be our priority .
What will be your number one priority if elected ?
One of my highest priorities as AG will be to protect the rights and freedoms of West Virginians . We cannot allow outside entities to turn our state into something it is not . Fighting ridiculous overreach and burdensome regulation will solidify West Virginia atop the list of states that value the history and culture of its citizens and work each day to ensure intentional growth while maintaining our core values .
Mike Stuart – Republican
Tell us about your professional background and how it has prepared you for the role of attorney general .
Big record . Nearly 25 years practicing law at the highest levels ; partner at two major law firms ; U . S . attorney ; state senator . After being his West Virginia co-chair of his 2016 campaign , I was former President Donald Trump ’ s personal pick for U . S . attorney and was confirmed by the U . S . Senate with the support of Senators Joe Manchin and Shelley Moore Capito . As the highest ranking federal law enforcement official in Southern West Virginia , I was on the front lines of the opioid crisis , prosecuted two members of the U . S . Supreme Court , had the largest Medicaid and elder fraud prosecutions in West Virginia ’ s history , led more drug raids than any other U . S . attorney , supported law enforcement , including proposing the Back the Blue license plate , aggressively fought elder fraud and domestic violence and took enough fentanyl off the streets to kill more than 40 million people . After defeating a four-term , 16-year incumbent in a 6:1 Democrat district by nearly 20 %, I was the chief sponsor of major bills , including overhauling West Virginia ’ s over-the-counter drug laws and doubling vehicle inspection stickers to two years . I ’ m running for attorney general because it ’ s a serious job for a serious person with a serious record . I have a proven record of taking on big challenges and winning .
What do you see as West Virginia ’ s biggest challenges ?
Liberal politicians and an out-of-control federal government that seek to destroy our jobs , values and way of life . We must also solve the drug scourge , protect families from rising crime , support first responders and law enforcement and defend veterans and seniors .
What will be your number one priority if elected ?
Fighting the liberals and federal assault on our families , values and jobs , including the right to drill , frack and mine the beautiful , bountiful energy beneath our feet ; protecting our children ; supporting law enforcement and first responders ; and defending the 2nd Amendment .