West Virginia Executive Winter 2023 | Page 57

Stellar Stargazing Spots in West Virginia

West Virginia ’ s

Dark Sky Parks

Photo by Jesse Thornton .
Travel WV
written by paige kocourek
Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park with the International Dark Sky Park accolade . To receive this designation , according to the IDA , the honored park must qualify by possessing an exceptional quality of starry nights along with providing dark sky programs to educate visitors . Watoga State Park officially handles the programming for all three areas , which reside in Pocahontas County .

As our world continues to expand its urban developments to fit the needs of an ever-growing population , it is taking a toll on our skies due to a lesser-recognized type of pollution : light pollution . Artificial light leaves millions worldwide with starless skies . The unnatural brightening of the night sky causes a myriad of negative effects , like the disruption of both the natural ecosystem and humans ’ innate circadian rhythm , for example .

Stellar Stargazing Spots in West Virginia

While Watoga State Park , Calvin Price State Forest and Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park lead the way in dark skies , being the first International Dark Sky Parks in West Virginia , many other Mountain State sites offer impressive stargazing opportunities .
In an effort to reduce and protect the night sky from light pollution , the International Dark-Sky Association ( IDA ) leads the way in combating light pollution around the world . The association not only works to promote responsible lighting but also educates and provides tools and resources to help reduce light pollution globally . One of the IDA ’ s programs , International Dark Sky Places ( IDSPs ), encourages communities and parks to preserve natural lighting . There are currently 195 IDSPs in the world , and the combined 19,869 acres of Watoga State Park , Calvin Price State Forest and Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park in West Virginia became one of them .
Rural in nature , West Virginia experiences less light pollution compared to most places in the eastern U . S ., making for a plethora of dark skies throughout the state . In 2021 , the IDA awarded Watoga State Park , Calvin Price State Forest and
“ Being that Watoga State Park is the largest state park in West Virginia and located in one of the darkest regions on the East Coast , it just seemed logical to preserve and promote our amazing dark skies ,” says Jody Spencer , superintendent at Watoga State Park . “ Any park could work to eliminate light pollution — and they should — but having the IDA designation meant we could spread the word and reach thousands of new visitors . We provide several opportunities each year to attend an organized star party or night sky viewing program . Experts bring telescopes and their vast knowledge to share with the public for these events . We also provide several nature programs each summer geared toward nocturnal wildlife such as fireflies , owls and nocturnal insects .”
Visitors seeking a truly incredible experience will feel as if they are almost in heaven beneath a sky full of stars at Watoga State Park .
By day , Tucker County ’ s Blackwater Falls State Park is an epicenter for waterfall lovers and hikers alike — with a 57-foot cascade and 20 miles of hiking trails — and by night , the brilliant escape allows for optimal views of the Milky Way and stars .
Photo by Jill Mullins .
Lost River State Park in Hardy County is a remote getaway for constellation seekers to experience the beauty of the night sky with minimal light pollution . The park is quaint and secluded , leaving visitors rejuvenated after their time immersed in nature .
Seneca State Forest in Pocahontas County not only offers opportunities for exciting outdoor activities , but it also offers unobstructed views for those looking for a top-notch stargazing escapade . www . wvexecutive . com 29