we talk about the reagents we need to be able to save lives and protect hospital capacity here in West Virginia , and one of the reagents that is now in shorter and shorter supply is monoclonal antibodies . We are seeing a reduction in the availability of this vital supply . From a human health and well-being perspective and from our hospital system ’ s capacity perspective , we need to have access to critical factors , whether it is drugs , intravenous solutions , durable equipment , personal protective equipment , ventilators or oxygen .”
How Do We Move Forward ?
In early 2021 , the Made in America Act was proposed in Congress to create tax incentives to bring pharmaceutical manufacturing back to the U . S . The bill is currently under the review of the Subcommittee on Commodity Exchanges , Energy and Credit . Only time will tell whether government or private entities will take up the mantle — and the opportunity — of manufacturing pharmaceuticals on U . S . soil .
“ When we debrief and do the autopsy on COVID-19 , this is going to be important because as we rely on other countries for our supply chain , distribution channels and critical materials , we see the vulnerability we have in the U . S . I think it ’ s a wakeup call for us ,” says Marsh . •