river and picturesque towering cliffs that characterize the national park .
Protecting and preserving the New River Gorge for future generations to enjoy is the leading benefit of the new national park status . However , a significant and equally important byproduct is the positive implications for the state of West Virginia . The entire state has been positioned to grow and develop exponentially because of increased tourism and recognition .
Scheduling a Visit
Leave No Trace and Plan Ahead
Photo by West Virginia Department of Tourism .
One goal of creating national parks is to foster the idea of preserving the natural ecosystem of a place for future generations to cherish and enjoy . In pursuit of this goal , it is crucial for visitors to practice the leave no trace principle . Leaving no trace means conserving the environment and maintaining it as it is . This involves staying on trails to avoid obstructing natural growth , properly disposing of waste , respecting wildlife and leaving the environment how you found it . Therefore , when scheduling a visit to the New River Gorge National Park and Preserve , or any other natural ecosystems , practice the leave no trace principle .
“ Consider that you are not the only one who will be using the trails and the park ,” says Eve West , chief of interpretation , visitor services and cultural resources at the New River Gorge National Park and Preserve . “ It belongs to all of us . It is the ultimate golden rule . Doing unto others as you want done to you . Think about the other person who will be using the park as well .”
West also advises planning ahead when scheduling a visit to the park .
“ If you are a typical national park visitor , this is not necessarily a typical national park ,” she says .
Some of the infrastructure and amenities visitors may find at other national parks are not necessarily found at the New River Gorge , like water and electricity at campsites or clearly marked roads . Make the most of any trip to the area by planning ahead and using the nps . gov / neri / index . htm website .
activities available . People from all over the world are realizing the extensive outdoor recreation opportunities available in the Mountain State .
“ If you like outdoor recreational sports , we are a mecca ,” says West . “ If you get bored here , you have a problem .”
Unlike many national parks , the New River Gorge seemingly has it all . Whether hiking along the park ’ s 100 miles of trails , climbing expansive sandstone and shale buttresses or rafting amidst the world-class rapids , visitors will never run out of adventures . The park also offers extensive mountain biking trails , premier bird watching and camping opportunities . All the while , adventurers are amazed by the
“ National park designations are the gold standard of tourism . When they receive this , it shows it is truly one of the greatest places to visit ,” says Chelsea Ruby , West Virginia ’ s secretary of tourism . “ This designation puts the New River Gorge into a whole new level as a park and destination . The park has always been a hidden gem — known by climbers , rafters , hikers and bikers — and with this designation , it is now in its rightful place .”
Now , the New River Gorge National Park and Preserve is not only nationally recognized but also draws international attention from tourists and adventurers alike . Since the designation change , major publications such as Condé Nast Traveler , Lonely Planet and TIME have placed West Virginia on their respective coveted lists of best places to travel . The New River Gorge National Park and Preserve was also covered by major news stations like CBS News and ABC News ’ “ Good Morning America .” This recognition bolsters the already growing tourism industry in West Virginia . In addition , the new status has allowed the Mountain State to share its beauty with the world .
Before the designation , tourism was declining .
“ This was not because West Virginia had a negative perception ,” says Ruby . “ It is because we had no perception at all . People hadn ’ t thought about West Virginia as a destination , but now with the new national park , West Virginia is a place you want to visit , a place you want to be and a place you want to put on your bucket list .”
The New River Gorge ’ s lack of perception turned into worldwide recognition . It became a hub for adventurers , especially those living on the east coast .
“ It is estimated that the area will see a 20 % growth from the designation based on other national park areas ,” says Becky Sullivan , executive director of the New River Gorge Convention & Visitors Bureau . “ It could also be that our location is easily accessible to over half of the U . S . population and within a day ' s drive .”
The New River Gorge National Park and Preserve status change was well received and enhanced by the timing , which coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic . The general public was enamored with the outdoors like never before when the news of the park was released . This played a prominent role in the park ’ s exposure because many
2022 Discover West Virginia