Logan County is filled with a variety of historic , scenic and entertaining attractions . The mountain region is home to the Hatfield- McCoy Trails , an off-road system with more than 1,000 miles of trails . While visiting the trails , visitors can also browse through country shops featuring homemade arts and crafts , experience mountain life firsthand in Chief Logan State Park , watch a production from the state ’ s first outdoor theatre company or relax while fishing or kayaking the Guyandotte River . Whether it ’ s shopping , dining , entertainment or outdoor recreation , Logan County is sure to have something for you ! With so much to do in Logan County , you need a comfortable place to get a good night ’ s rest . There are plenty of lodging choices to satisfy any budget or preference . For your next great adventure in the Hatfield & McCoy Mountains , choose a cozy lodge or cabin , a rustic campground or a well-known hotel . There are so many choices ! We invite you to come explore all we have to offer and experience your own mountain adventure . Visit www . hatfieldmccoycvb . com to learn more .
Hatfield McCoy Convention & Visitors Bureau ( 304 ) 752-6020 hatfieldmccoycvb @ frontier . com 325 Stratton Street , Logan , WV 25601