Illustrating Impact
Foundations Enhancing West Virginia
The positive impact of philanthropic and nonprofit organizations in West Virginia is undeniable . There are numerous charitable organizations to choose from , each offering unique opportunities to make a meaningful difference . In this issue of West Virginia Executive , dedicated to the nonprofit and philanthropic sector , we highlight foundations making positive impacts across the state . While this map is not exhaustive , it illustrates the impressive reach of the industry .
Each of the foundations included falls under one of two major categories : public charities and private foundations . Some specific types we will highlight are community foundations , education foundations , health care conversion foundations , hospital foundations , corporate foundations , family foundations and United Way organizations across the state .
For a better understanding of how the different foundations function , readers can find the definitions below .
Foundations : In the nonprofit sector , the term foundation has no precise meaning . It can be defined as an entity that supports charitable activities by making grants to unrelated organizations and institutions or to individuals for scientific , educational , cultural , religious or other charitable purposes . While foundations are often primarily engaged in grantmaking activities , some may engage in their own direct charitable activities or programs .
Private Foundations : Private foundations are generally financially supported by one or a small handful of sources — an individual , family or corporation . These categories are not legally defined . Rather , they are commonly used in the field of philanthropy to distinguish the different kinds of private foundations .
Public Charities : Public charities include a wide variety of charitable organizations , such as hospitals , schools , churches and organizations that make grants to others . Charities that focus on grantmaking are called public foundations . Most of these foundations are publicly supported charities , meaning they receive funds from multiple sources , which may include private foundations , individuals , government agencies and fees they charge for the charitable services they provide . A community foundation is another kind of public charity . In some cases , corporate foundations are set up as public , rather than private , foundations . •