a wide range of skillsets such as energy efficiency , solar installation , software development , remote working and mine land reclamation ; supported the launch of more than 30 new businesses ; and redeveloped 250,000 square feet of neglected property .
These positive outcomes were not achieved alone , however , as ACT Now operates with a group of 21 voting members as well as 100 partners involved in project planning and execution . Through attentive communication , this collaboration has been close to flawless with only one issue requiring a vote .
“ The depth and breadth of the collaboration in ACT Now is one of the most incredible things I ’ ve been a part of in my career ,” Dennison says . “ Groups that typically compete against one another have come together for the good of the state .”
In the future , ACT Now hopes to extend its reach across the Mountain State and outside of its borders . Dennison explains that as markets are getting stronger and many workers are no longer held back by geographic borders , West Virginia is seeing more private investment .
“ Entrepreneurs and small businesses will pick up where we left off ,” Dennison says . “ We ’ re already starting to see this happen as evidenced by the more than 30 new companies our coalition has helped start .”
The coalition ’ s long-term goals simply include seeing its work create vibrant communities in Southern West Virginia and beyond . Alex Weld , executive director of GWV , says that while ACT Now knows it won ’ t achieve that vision alone , its enactment presents an opportunity for the state to move further in the direction of a growing and diversified economy .
Despite many recent economic development advancements in the Mountain State , the coalfield remains in need of the same success , and that is where ACT Now ’ s focus lies .
Weld points out Southern West Virginia has needed built upon for decades , and while there has been slight advancement on that goal , more work needs to be done . Through its training and retention programs , ACT Now can help push that initiative forward , but that is only a small part of what the coalition hopes to see in the region .
“ That ’ s one way we ’ re helping to bring new opportunities to West Virginia job seekers , but we still have plenty of work to do to ensure people in our communities have the skills , resources and access they need to succeed ,” Weld says . “ The coalition ’ s grassroots work is helping to overcome these barriers .”
The coalition has contributed more than 1,000 hours of time to securing funds , showcasing its thorough commitment to the cause . There is an opportunity to change economic development within the Mountain State for the better , and ACT Now is taking it .
“ It may have taken generations to get where we are in Southern West Virginia , but we ’ re determined for this generation to get us where our hardworking people deserve to be , and that ’ s as a worldwide leader in these emerging markets ,” Dennison says . •
West Virginia ' s gold standard for navigating the pediatric , adolescent and young adult cancer journey
The moment your child or loved one is diagnosed with cancer , your life changes forever . Walking Miracles Family Foundation believes you shouldn ’ t have to navigate this world alone . We provide support and guidance along every step of your journey . Our products and services are always free of charge .
Here ’ s how Walking Miracles serves young cancer patients :
Travel Assistance . Walking Miracles helps cancer patients cut costs by providing each family with two $ 250 travel cards annually .
Tablet . Walking Miracles provides families with an Apple or Android tablet that is preloaded with helpful information .
Patient Navigation Services . Walking Miracles ’ patient navigation services free you to focus on the care and emotional needs of your diagnosed family member .
Counseling . Walking Miracles ’ referral network provides accredited local counselors who offer a range of emotional and spiritual care for cancer patients and caregivers .
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Reimagine Well . Walking Miracles ’ tablets come with Reimagine Well , a platform that uses an immersive virtual experience to travel to exciting places like the beach , the zoo and outer space .
Help us support them . Partner with or donate to Walking Miracles today . walkingmiracles . org / contact | 833-496-3398
Walking Miracles Family Foundation was founded by Brett Wilson , a two-time childhood cancer survivor of leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma , to support West Virginia families who are experiencing the many uncertainties associated with childhood cancer .
Brett Wilson brett @ walkingmiracles . org | 304-990-8624
Kacie Owens kacie @ walkingmiracles . org | 304-990-8625