West Virginia Executive Summer 2022 | Page 83


Lacy ’ s Story

Lacy Gorman never expected to be restarting her life in her fifties . She had recently left an abusive marriage and was forced to sell her home . While she did receive alimony , it was not nearly enough to survive . With no local support , and her divorce leaving her homeless , she stayed in a total of four different shelters during and after her divorce . “ My life burnt to the ground ,” Gorman says . Because she had not worked outside of the home for over 10 years , Gorman found it difficult to find employment , but in February 2022 , she walked into a Pathways to Success event at Hazel ’ s House of Hope and there finally seemed to be a light at the end of the tunnel . In March , she started her position at Mon Health Medical Center as a patient registrar . The next step was saving money to find a place to live , and with the assistance of her manager and the P2S team , she officially signed a lease for her own apartment in May . Gorman finally had a home again . Her goals now include purchasing a vehicle and furthering her career at MHMC .
“ I am very grateful for this program . I am back on my feet thanks to my new Mon Health Family ,” she says .
As we prepare for the second cohort to begin in October 2022 , these are the issues we are addressing to refine the program .
Despite the trials , the participants have made great strides in improving their quality of life . Two individuals have moved out of the shelter and into their own homes , while two others are in the process of securing housing because they now have steady income . Praises of hard work , determination for career growth and dedication from their managers have been followed with the opportunity for advancement within their departments . Some have been reconnected with family . A humbling sense of community and understanding from MHMC employees to provide a helping hand has been prevalent and lends to a positive work environment .
The P2S team is learning and growing every day to empower these underserved populations and there are many ways the community can help . MHMC has partnered with community referral organizations , like United Way of Mon and Preston Counties , and agencies at Hazel ’ s House of Hope . As the program continues to grow , adding referral partners is critical to long-term success .
For more information , scan the QR code or visit www . monhealth . com / main / mon-pathways-to-success .
Paulina Nottingham ( 304 ) 598-1782 nottinghamp @ monhealthsys . org