[ community ] JEAN HARDIMAN
Givers Gain
BNI Helps West Virginia
Businesses Grow Through Relationships and Referrals
There is a growing number of West Virginians building their businesses by helping others do the same . Business Network International , or BNI , is a referral organization that gives its members a chance to share their business ’ offerings so their fellow members can help them find new clients . Cities have their own chapters — sometimes more than one — and the number of BNI West Virginia chapters continues to increase . The numbers now stand at 18 chapters and 485 members .
“ Our members meet weekly with the purpose of building genuine relationships with one another so they can make favorable introductions to people they know ,” says Brian
In 2016 , BNI member referrals generated $ 11.2 billion in revenue for participating companies .
Source : www . bni . com
Alcorn , executive director of BNI West Virginia . “ Our philosophy is ‘ givers gain .’ If I give referrals to you , you will want to give referrals to me , and we will both do better business together .”
Larry Lambert joined the BNI chapter in Barboursville , WV , about 14 years ago , and it ’ s changed the way he thinks . Today , when someone says their back is sore , Lambert can refer a chiropractor from his BNI chapter . He ’ s become the guy who can offer the name of a realtor , someone who can fix a door and more . And he knows the other members of his chapter are doing the same thing for him , referring people to The Source 4 Travel agency he runs with his wife .
In business , as Lambert puts it , “ It ’ s easier to open doors than to knock down walls .” The fact that BNI only allows one person of each business classification in each chapter sets it apart from traditional chamber of commerce organizations . That means no competition within the chapters — only support .
“ Like the chamber of commerce , we are an additional networking opportunity in the business community ,” says Alcorn . “ In fact , the ideal thing is to participate in a BNI chapter and be active in the chamber . They can be great complements .”
According to Alcorn , members of BNI West Virginia report a 20-50 percent increase in business due to referrals during their first year . Last year , they conservatively reported an average of $ 40,000 in new business generated from referrals . Members have access to training on topics such as effectively presenting your business to others in a short period of time . They ’ re also offered via podcast and webcast .
“ We have an online system called BNI Connect that connects our members internationally ,” says Alcorn . “ Many referrals are done amongst members within a region , cross region and even internationally .”
Scott Werdebaugh of Integrity Financial Planning in Morgantown joined BNI in 2004 , and his income has quadrupled since . “ It ’ s the best business move I ’ ve made in my career ,” he says . His chapter has over 50 members who meet at 7:30 a . m . weekly and get a chance to give a 45-second commercial about their businesses . Also , each week two members get to give sevenminute presentations to share more details about their businesses . Werdebaugh likes that he can learn about local businesses to help his clients and others in need of a service . He doesn ’ t refer businesses just because they ’ re in the group , though .
“ People have to earn the right to be referred ,” he says . “ My reputation is everything to me . If someone refers me , I better deliver .”
According to Alcorn , who founded BNI West Virginia 15 years ago , the concept of growing your business by helping others grow theirs offers many other benefits , from support to lifelong friendships . “ We are changing the way the world does business by focusing on giving to each other first rather than focusing on what we get ,” he says . “ It is nice to be able to focus on helping others and know that you will be helped back .” •