[ community ]
In Huntington, WV, a movement is
growing that is changing every aspect of
the city, from the shops and restaurants
downtown to the campus of Marshall
University and everywhere in between.
The My Huntington movement is a col-
laboration of business owners, city offi-
cials, educators, professionals, students,
residents, visitors and volunteers sharing
stories of Huntington’s strength and what
they love most about the Jewel City.
To celebrate the recovery, revitalization
and renaissance occurring in Huntington,
West Virginia Executive partnered with
the local business community to shine a
spotlight on the area and its transforma-
tion in the magazine’s Winter 2019 issue.
In March, a special networking recep-
tion was held at the Marshall University
President’s House to bring professionals
together to celebrate the success of the My
Huntington campaign and discuss where
it will go from here.
“The Celebrate Huntington event was fantastic.
It was great to see an event that focused on the
good things happening in Huntington. We see
too much negativity, and it is important to get
together and talk about successes. Through
the hard work and dedication of many people,
Huntington has turned the corner. A lot of
good things are happening, and I am excited
about our future. We have great people and
a lot to offer. We need to continue to tell our
story and promote the wonderful place we
have to live and work.”
– Toney Stroud, Attorney,
BrickStreet Insurance
“Celebrate Huntington was a fantastic event
that brought together dynamic and energized
individuals who all love Huntington. It was a
time to celebrate all the good things happening
in Huntington at Marshall University and RCBI.
West Virginia is my home, and Huntington is a
special place. Nearly 30 years ago RCBI was
born here and has grown into an economic
catalyst that has provided services to over
6,000 businesses, trained over 22,000
individuals and now works in 22 states.”
– Charlotte Weber, Vice President of
Federal Programs, Marshall University,
and Director, Robert C. Byrd Institute
“I think it’s great when we have events like this to
celebrate cities like Huntington—cities that are
the bright spots of our state. It allows people to
come together, take pause and acknowledge
the great things that are happening and the
hard work of the people who are making
them happen. Our company is not located in
Huntington, but our business is intertwined
throughout the state. We’re continuing to do
more and more work in the greater Huntington
area, and we’ve found the people in that region
to be really committed to revitalizing Huntington
and making it an economic hub for our state.
My compliments to Mayor Williams, President
Gilbert and everyone else who is working so
hard to make the region prosper. They’re doing
an incredible job.”
– Chad Riley, CEO,
The Thrasher Group, Inc.