Melanie Boyd Samantha Cart Connie Conrad
Melanie Boyd is the
graphic designer for
Executive Ink, LLC
and its publications. She
holds a bachelor’s degree
in graphic design from
Marietta College and
previously worked as the
designer for the West
Virginia Education
Association. In her spare
time, Boyd is active in
CrossFit at Firebreather
Fitness. She resides in
Nitro, WV, with her
cat, Billy Flynn. Samantha Cart is an
editor for Executive Ink,
LLC. A native of Buffalo,
WV, she holds bachelor’s
and master’s degrees in
journalism from West
Virginia University.
In her spare time, she
serves as a volunteer with
Putnam County 4-H, the
Church of the Nazarene
and the Come and Serve
Team. Cart currently
lives in Hometown,
WV, with her husband,
Dr. Caleb Cart. Connie Conrad is a
marketing and advertising
associate for Executive
Ink, LLC. A native of
Capon Bridge, WV, she
holds a bachelor’s degree
in public relations from
West Virginia University.
She coaches youth soccer
and baseball, serves as a
Cub Scout den leader and
is active in her church. She
lives in Fairmont with her
husband, twin boys and
niece. She can be reached
at [email protected].
Cathy Bonnstetter Jason Bostic Cathy Bonnstetter, an
adjunct lecturer at West
Virginia University’s Reed
College of Media, has
covered West Virginia’s
businesses and business
leaders as a journalist for
more than a decade. She
holds a bachelor’s degree
in elementary education
and a master’s degree in
journalism. Bonnstetter
currently resides in
Morgantown with her
husband, Dennis. Jason Bostic has served as
vice president of the West
Virginia Coal Association
since August 2007. In his
current position, he has
primary responsibility for
all environmental issues
related to West Virginia’s
coal mining industry.
He also coordinates the
association’s electronic and
social media outlets as part
of the industry’s public
outreach programs and is
responsible for its coal
market and transportation
analysis activities.
Kensie Hamilton
Jennifer Jett Prezkop
Kensie Hamilton Fauber
is the publisher of
West Virginia Executive.
She holds bachelor’s
degrees in corporate
communications and
journalism from Elon
University and is a
graduate of Leadership
West Virginia, the FBI
Citizens Academy and the
Goldman Sachs 10,000
Small Businesses program.
She may be reached at
[email protected]. Jennifer Jett Prezkop,
the editor in chief at
Executive Ink, LLC, has
had a passion for putting
words to paper since
elementary school. She
holds a Regents Bachelor
of Arts degree from West
Virginia State University
and is a graduate of
Leadership Kanawha
Valley. A lifelong
Mountaineer, she resides
in Ripley, WV, with her
husband, Doug, and their
two cats, Jovie and Miles.
Blair Dowler Jean Hardiman Del. Jason Harshbarger
Blair Dowler is the
assistant director
of marketing and
communications at the
Ohio University College
of Business and an
adjunct instructor in the
West Virginia University
(WVU) John Chambers
College of Business &
Economics marketing
department. A native
of Parkersburg, WV,
she holds two degrees
from the WVU Reed
College of Media. Jean Hardiman is a
communications specialist
for Marshall University.
She previously worked for
The Herald Dispatch for
17 years and now does
freelance writing for
publications, businesses and
organizations throughout
the region. A transplant
from northern Ohio to
West Virginia, she lives
in Huntington with her
husband and daughters
and finds joy in writing
about events and people
in the Mountain State. Jason Harshbarger is
a member of the West
Virginia House of
Delegates, where he
serves as the natural
resources chair for the
agriculture and natural
resources committee
and sits on the judiciary,
energy and industry
and labor committees.
He holds a bachelor’s
degree in environmental
sciences from Marietta
College and is a
member of the Young
Guns Class of 2018.