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Photo by Huntington Area CVB .
Education , Entertainment & Economy
Catalysts for Growth in Cabell County
Where town and country intersect with bustling city streets and quiet winding backroads , you will find historic Cabell County . Bound by the mighty Ohio River and anchored by Huntington , the second largest city in the Mountain State , Cabell County is rich in history with ties to the Civil War and early Appalachian life .
The rapidly growing area is home to one of West Virginia ’ s first public institutions of higher education , Marshall University . The tight-knit community woven with the university atmosphere offers all the amenities of an energetic city alongside working farmers who offer their produce at local markets , restaurants and schools . Cabell County ’ s rich culture encompasses thriving local eateries , music and art venues , recreation and progressive businesses propelled by driven changemakers who are passionate about creating a better quality of life for their neighbors and West Virginians at large .
Marco celebrates the opening of Marshall University ’ s Bill Noe Flight School at Yeager Airport during a ceremony on August 10 , 2021 .
Photo by Marshall University .
Cabell County residents have made opportunities for students to succeed in public schools a top priority in the area . In 2020 , the largest school construction bond in state history passed in Cabell County . The $ 87.5 million school bond will employ hundreds of local workers and siphon additional funds directly into the community . The funds will also improve public school buildings across the county .
The progressive school district is the first in the state to have a cooperative of farms providing locally grown beef , pork and produce for student meals . All students , regardless of socioeconomic status , receive free breakfast and lunch , and each school is staffed with a social worker and nurse to ensure the well-being of all .
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic , the Cabell County Board of Education adopted the Student Technology Empowerment Plan . The plan heavily updated the district ’ s wired and wireless network infrastructure and secured new Apple devices for every student for the first time in its history . The county also launched the Cabell Virtual Learning Academy , a nontraditional public school program that offers families a comprehensive option for providing quality education at home .
“ As we complete our 2020 bond projects , I think the district will continue to evolve in preparing students for their future as we expand career and technical offerings , provide engaging curriculum in our traditional schools and online ; ensuring the social and emotional needs are met through value added staffing like counselors , social workers and nurses ,” says Cabell County Schools Superintendent Dr . Ryan Saxe .
Meanwhile , Marshall University has continued to flourish and grow as a leader in research and innovation , marketing its educational offerings to students across the U . S . and around the world . With affordable tuition , new marketable degrees and a thriving campus , Marshall is poised to attract more students . The university has been rolling out several new programs and initiatives to attract students to Cabell County , including a new physician ’ s assistant program , aviation programs and a new Doctor of Business Administration program .